a. isn’t going b. weren’t going c. will not going d. could have gone
17.I wish I ______ to the movies with you last night.
a. went b. did go c. could go d. could have gone
18.I’d just as soon ______ rudely to her.
a. that you won’t speak b. your not speaking c. you not speak d. you didn’t speak
19.If I ______ in the twenty-first century, I ______ my vacation in a very different way.
a. should live…would spend b. will live ….should spend
c. are living … should have spent d. will be living…would have spent
20.It is required that the machine ______ as frequently as necessary.
a. be oiled b. must be oiled c. is oiled d. will oil
21.His English teacher recommends that he ______ a regular degree program.
a. begins b. begin c. will begin d. is beginning
22.We prefer that the plan ______ before being put into execution.
a.is fully discussed b. must be fully discussed
c.be fully discussed d. will be fully discussed
23.What do you think of his proposal that improvements ______ in the old type of vacuum cleaner?
a. be made b. will be made c. would be made d. will have to be made
24.The doctor’s advice is that the patient ______ about his real physical condition.
a.be not told b. not be told c. will not be told d. must not be told
25.______,we could not have finished the work on time.
a.If they do not help us b. Was it not for their help
c.Should they offer to help us d. But for their help
26.If we had been more careful, we ______ much better results now.
a. got b. had got c. would be getting d. would have got
27.Henry ______ a rich man today if he had been more frugal in the past.
a. would be b. is c. will be d. was
28.They thought it desirable that an armed guard ______ in readiness.
a. stands b. stand c. stood d. would stand
29.All science students, ______,should have a good foundation in basic sciences.
a.whether they are future physicists and chemists
b.they are future physicists of chemists
c.they should be future physicists of chemists
d.be they future physicists or chemists
30.Sally can’t have written tome, or ______ the letter by now.
a. I’ll get b. I’ll have got c. I’d have got d. I’d get
31.I should very much like to have gone to the party but I ______.
a. am not invited b. was not invited c. shall not be invited d. am not being invited
32.There is a general understanding among the members of the Board of Directors that chief attention ______ to the undertaking that is expected to bring in highest profit.
a. is given b. gives c. should be given d. must be given
33.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ______ to its burning temperature.
a. be heated b. is heated c. would be heated d. to heat
34.“Did you go to see the football match yesterday?”
“No. I didn’t feel well, but I would have gone if I ______.”
a.did b. have c. would d. had
35.If we had known that she had planned to arrive today, we ______ her at the bus station.
a. may have met b. might meet c. may meet d. might have met
36.We’re safer in a train than we would be if we ______ any other way.
a. traveled b. had traveled c. travel d. have traveled
37.He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I ______ of hunger and cold.
a. would be died b. would have died c. would die d . will have died
38.______ today, he would get there by Friday.
a.Was he leaving b. If he is leaving c. Were he to leave d. If he leaves
39.Had electronic computers not been invented, many problems of space flight ______.
a.could be not solved b. could not be solved
b.could not have been solved d. could not have solved
40.He is a poorly learnt man. But he acts as though he ______.
a. is b. were c. should be d. seems like
41.The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it ______ on the way.
a. goes wrong b. go wrong c. went wrong d. would go wrong
42.______ the fog, we should have reached our destination.
a. Because of b. In spite of c. In case of d. But for
43.The old man went to office on foot, but he ______ by bus.
a. might have gone b. ought have gone c. could have gone d. should be gone
44.He is working hard for fear that he ______ to pass the exam.
a. fails b. may fail c. should fail d. would fail
45.She put on her glasses in order that she _____.
a. can see b. saw c. had seen d. might see
46.Whatever ______ we’ll go ahead.
a. had happened b. will happen c. might happen d. may be happened
47.If I ______ out of ink, I might have finished writing the paper.
a. hadn’t run b. shouldn’t run c. didn’t run d. haven’t run
48.But for your advice, I ______ into trouble.
a. would get b. got c. might have got d. should get
49.______ for the traffic jam, I should have covered fifty miles.
a. Had it been b. Had it not been c. It had not been d. It not had been
50.Were it not for the adoption of the open policy, things ______ they are today.
a. would never be b. could have been c. would never have been d. didn’t have
51.If only I ______ there.
a. have not been b. would not been c. will not be d. had not been
52.Tom would buy that bicycle but he ______ no money.
a. had b. has c. had had d. has had
53.I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I _____ there.
a. was b. were c. had been d. went
54.It is time we ______ up our results.
a. sum b. summed c. will sum d. would sum
55.Dr Bethune worked hard as if he ______.
a. never had felt tired b. had never felt tired c. never felt tired d . was tired never
56.I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I ______ the book from which it was made.
a. have read b. should have read c. am reading d. had read
57.It is strange that such a thing ______ in your school.
a.will happen b. happens c. should happen d. happened
58.If she could sew,______.
a.she make a dress b. she would have made a shirt
c.she will make a shirt d. she would had made a coat
59.“Did you notice John was not at work today?”
“No. If ______ working, I would have noticed it.”
a.I’d be b. I wasn’t c. I’d been d. weren’t
60.“Why don’t you explain it to her?”
“I ______ it to her if I thought she would understand.”
a.would explain b. will explain c. explain d. would have explained
61.“Your performance was very good.”
“I could have done better if I ______ more time.”
a. have had b. had c. had had d. will have had
62.“She wouldn’t drink her medicine last night, would she?”
a.No, but I wish she wouldn’t b. No, but I wish she had
b.Yes, I wish she drank d. yes, I wish she could
63.I think it advisable that he ______ for Tokyo soon.
a. will leave b. may leave c. leave d. leaves
64.The committee asked that the matter ______ at the next meeting.
a. would be discussed b. will be discussed c. be discussed d. may be discussed
65.______ to the doctor right away, he might have been alive today.
a.If he went b. Were he gone c. should he had gone d. Had he gone
66.______ the work, he would do it some other way.
a. Was he going b. If he does c. Were he to do d. If he is doing
67._____,I hardly think I would have recognized him.
a.Should his name not be mentioned b. Had someone not mentioned his name
c.If someone did not mention his name d. If someone had mentioned his name
68.I’d just as soon ______ to the theatre tonight.
a. not going b. not to go c. not go d. that I won’t go
69.At the last committee meeting, the motion that the club ______ open until midnight was defeated.
a. remains b. remain c. remained d. would remain
70.The business of each day, ______ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.
a. it being b. be it c. was it d. it was
1 D 19 A 37 B 55 B
2 D 20 A 38 C 56 D
3 C 21 B 39 C 57 C
4 B 22 C 40 B 58 B
5 B 23 B 41 B 59 C
6 C 24 A 42 D 60 A
7 D 25 D 43 C 61 C
8 C 26 C 44 C 62 B
9 C 27 A 45 D 63 C
10 A 28 B 46 C 64 C
11 C 29 D 47 A 65 D
12 C 30 C 48 C 66 C
13 C 31 B 49 B 67 B
14 C 32 C 50 C 68 C
15 A 33 A 51 D 69 B
16 B 34 D 52 B 70 B
17 D 35 D 53 C 71
18 D 36 A 54 B 72
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