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(8) Civil servants were urged to better serve the public.

(9)The Economic Development Board has just announced some new plans to further promote the economic development.

(10) I don't want you to be forever criticising your friends' good efforts.

(11) The new manager wanted the new scheme to be properly implemented.


一、和“make, let”, 及感官动词“see, hear, watch”连用的句型中,“to”必须省略。例如:

(12) Don't make her cry.

(13) I won't let you go now.

(14) We saw a man jump into the lake.

(15) Have you heard me call you ?

(16) Let us go to watch him play the game.

二、在“had better, would rather”后面的不定式动词中的 “to”要省略。例如:

(17) You had better do the work now.

(18) It is late now. I would rather go tomorrow.


(19) Noone can make him understand the real problem. → He cannot be made to understand the real problem.

(20) We heard them speak English.→They were heard to speak English.



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