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(2) 时间状语的变化。直接引语变间接引语时,有些时间状语也要相应的改动:

now 现在

then 那时,当时

today 今天

that day 那天

tonight 今晚

that night 那天晚上

this week (month, year) 本周(本月,今年)

that week (month, year) 上周(上个月,去年)

yesterday 昨天

the day before 前一天

the day before yesterday 前天

two days before 前两天

last week (month, year) 上周(上个月,去年)

the week (month, year) before 前一周(前一个月,前一年)

two days (years) ago 两天()

two days (years) before 两天前

tomorrow 明天

the next day 第二天

next week (month, year) 下周(下个月,明年)

the next week (month, year) 第二个星期(月,年)

He said, “She left yesterday.”

→He said that she had left the day before.

She said, “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

→She said that she would tell me the next day.

He said, “It happened two days ago.”

→He said that it had happened two days before.

注:以上变化有时应视情况而定,若在当时转述,now不必改为then;若在当天转述,today, yesterday, tomorrow等不必改为that day, the day before, the next day等;若在当周转述,this week, last week 不必改为that week, the last week;若在当年转述,this year, last year 不必改为that year, the last year等。



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