一旅游资源:许多世界著名的风景名胜,如:九寨沟(海子;清澈见底;色彩斑斓)都江堰水利工程(2000多年历史;仍在发挥作用) 二相关信息:气候适宜,交通方便
参考词汇:省份province,海子lake 都江堰水利工程 Dujiangyan Irrigation Project
be rich in tourist attractions ★world-famous ★enjoyable trip clear water and colorful scenery play an important role nice and convenient transportation
词和短语be rich in 盛产 place of interest 旅游景点 irrigation 灌溉 convenient 舒适的
复杂句式Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful.九寨沟以其清澈多彩的 湖泊闻名于世。
Dear Nick,
I'm glad to hear that you're coming to Sichuan in August. You‘ re made the wise choice to travel here. Sichuan Province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful. It can ex cite visitors’ imagination. Another attraction is Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. It was built over 2,000 years ago and is still playing an important part in irrigation today. Besides, the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. I'm sure you' 11 have a good time.
I ’ m looking forward to your coming.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
五 Maturity
必备词汇:Rewards奖励 social practice 社会实践 scholarship 奖学金 extracurricular activities
课外活动excellent League member 优秀团员 physical activities 体育活动孙女“Three Goods” student 三好学生 recreational activities 娱乐活动 excellent leader 优秀干部 academic activities 学术活动,social activities 社会活动,take part in/participate 参加,be good at...擅长于,benefit from...受惠于,adapt to new environment 适应新环境
必备句型:The advantages and disadvantages of... are...好处和坏处是
作文:假设你是新华中学的学生张华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入到 新的.班集体中,感到很苦恼。请根据下列要点用英语给他写封信:1帮他分析原因;2给他提出建议;3陈述你帮助他的具体打算
写作要点如下:adjust to the new environment don‘t worry get familiar with get over the shyness make friends
词和短语:adjust to 适应 shy害羞的 get over 克服 mind介意
复杂句式 And after spending more time with the classmates,] believe you will get over your shyness and make some friends here. 只要常与同学相处.,我相信你在这里能克服害羞
Dear Li Ming,
I heard you are having a hard time adjusting to the new environment. And I really understand that you feel everything in this class is new and strange, and you feel shy to talk to your new classmates. Don't worry, this is natural as you have just come here for not more than a week, and now I have two suggestions for you to get familiar with the new classmates quickly. First, you can join one of the learning groups in the class, so you can learn with them and know them better. If you don' t mind, you can join our group first. Second, we play basketball everyday after school, and you can join us if you have time. And after spending more time with the classmates, I believe you will get over your shyness and make some friends here.
Best regards
Zhang Hua
开放式作文Free Writing
近年来,高考英语书面表达中,多数开放作文都采用单张画的形式,激发学生想象力,让学生就一个话题深入挖掘图画背后所隐含的深刻意义,其实大部分的写作 是以议论文为主.
对于只给出图画让考生去理解并写作的议论文来说,首先要想吃透图画,把握住图画表达的主旨,就要深刻领悟图画的寓意;其次要联系现实生活进行思考,从而 确定写作的立意点,并由画面产生联想和引申,抓住一“点”,深入挖掘,谈深讲透,而非泛议,面面俱到,这样文章才有可能写好。
从议论文结构的完整性上说,开放式作文一般也由三部分构成: 1要解释画面内容,并进行联想,提出问题,这也就是“悟意”,“选点” “引发”
In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.
What a funny picture! This guy sitting next the table is trying to eat a bowl of noodles with instead of chopsticks. It seems to be very difficult for him because he is sweating a lot. Although he is good at using forks in his country, he could not enjoy the noodles happily with their traditional in china. From the picture, we know that we have manage to adjust to local customs when arriving a new place. If we do in Rome as Rome does. He will enjoy the life better.
图画作文Picture Composition
1 文字提示与看图提示实质上同出一辙,都反映一个整体思想:尤其是组图提示中 ,一幅画等同于每一句话,只要你把组图提示中的图一幅幅分开来就容易理解了。
一 简述图片。针对每幅图片写1〜2句句子,也就是我们口试中常用的就事论事进行看图说话而已。
二 发表感想。就每幅图片或整体主题发表自己的一些看法。
三 简短结论。最后用1〜2句简短的话进行小结,起到画龙点睛的作用:
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