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2014年高三英语词汇解析 Unit5 Getting the message



The car driver took the blame for the accident. 汽车的司机承担了事故的责任。

mislead to lead into error of thought or action, especially by intentionally deceiving 使误解;使误入歧途

Don't let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him.


misleading adj. tending to mislead 使人误解的;欺骗的

Your words were rather misleading. 你所说的话颇容易引起误解。

broadcast vt. to send out or communicate, especially by radio or television播放;播出 (broadcast, broadcasted; broadcast, broadcasted)

The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies.


vi. to transmit a radio or television program for public or general use; to be on the air播放(节目)

The station begins broadcasting at 6 a.m. 电台早晨 6:00开始播音

post vt. fasten (a notice) up in a place where it can easily be seen 张贴

The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.今天将贴出这个队成员的名单。

hand in hand holding each other's hands; together 手拉手;共同地

They walked away hand in hand. 他们手拉手地离去了。

react vi. to act in response to or under the influence of a stimulus or prompting:反应;作出反应

Our eyes react to light. 我们的眼睛对光起反应。

vi. 反对;反抗[against]

The people soon reacted against the cruel system. 人们不久便起来反抗暴政。

annoy vt. to cause slight irritation to (another) by troublesome, often repeated acts


These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇真让人讨厌。

vi. to be annoying 招人讨厌;惹人烦恼

A fly keeps annoying. 一只苍蝇总在烦我。

annoying adj. causing vexation or irritation; troublesome 讨厌的;恼人的

an annoying cough 一声恼人的咳嗽

critic n.[c] a person who is critic by profession 批评家,评论家



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