Long long ago, people had gather leaves and 56._____
fruit of plants to eat with. They didn’t know how 57. _____
to plant crops or how to keep animals for their 58. _____
food. We call them Stone Age people. Thing for 59. _____
them were terrible and hard. Now there have still 60. _____
some people living liked those Stone Age people. 61. _____
They live in places that are hard reach. They do 62. _____
not know of our invention, for they keep themselves 63. _____
away our civilized world. For many years 64. _____
a group of people call Aruntas have lived alone 65. _____
in the center of Australia.
How robins(知更鸟) know when it is time 56._____
to go back north? They seem to tell by how
soon daylight lasts. In late winter, daylight 57. _____
begins to last longest each day. When the 58. _____
daylight lasts long enough, robins start north. 59. _____
They fly by day. Each year they follow a same 60. _____
fly-way. At first, they fly only few miles a 61. _____
day. They stop often in the field to eat bugs 62. _____
(小虫子). Late, they seem in a hurry. They fly 63. _____
over 100 miles a day. Some are going so far 64._____
as 180 miles. When they get to home, they 65. _____
always stay together high in a tree.
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