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 【摘要】鉴于大家对威廉希尔app 十分关注,小编在此为大家搜集整理了此文“高中英语作文写作技巧:议论文的语言特点”,供大家参考!



英语议论文讲究辩论推理的条理性和逻辑性,因此,往往较多地使用这类性质的过渡词和连接词,常用的包括:since (既然),now that(既然), therefore(因而), consequently(因此), accordingly(因此), hence(因而), in that case(在那种情况下),because(因为),so(所以)。另外,还有些句型也常出现在英语议论文中,比如: It follows that…(因而……),If…, we may conclude that…(如果……,我们可以这样下结论……), Should it be the case(如果是这样的话……), Idon't want to…, but…(我并不想……,但是……), If you admit…,then…(如果你承认……,那么……), It is true that…, but…(诚然……,但是……), Even if…(即使……)等。


Some people say that they will not give up smoking because they have the right to do what they want to do since smoking is not against the law.Yes,it's true that smoking does not violate (违反) the law and therefore they can do as they like,but what is equally true is that they have to be responsible for what they do at the same time. Now I don't want to bring fears to anyone,but here are some statistics(统计数字) I've just got from newspaper: Over seventy percent of the people who died of lung cancer were heavy smokers. More than thirty-five percent deformed(畸形的)babies have smoking mothers. Even if those chain smokers (一支接一支抽烟者) are not afraid for themselves, shouldn't they be afraid for their family members if they have got any?

【总结】2013年已经到来,新的一年威廉希尔app 也会为您收集更多更好的文章,希望本文“高中英语作文写作技巧:议论文的语言特点”能给您带来帮助!下面请看更多频道:


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