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1.What kind of programmes does the WHO run?

2.If I had had insurance,the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.(虚拟语气)

3.This allowance,however,is only enough to cover the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing.

4.They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick,nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet.(部分倒装)

5.It is sometimes said that a society can be judged by the way it cares for its weakest members.(据说)

6.It was not until World War Ⅱ that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized.(强调句)

7.She stood by the window and looked out at a grey cat walking along a grey fence in a grey backyard.(表示感觉的动词后接宾语补足语的情况)

8. ...and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.(相当于定语从句的不定式 结构)

9.I had my hair cut off and sold it ...(have作使役动词的用法)

Units 11-12




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