工作的压力太大,你都无法找到能量去思考其他事情? 再去找份工作吧。(能自己创业就更好了)
Constantly subjected to a chorus of negative thoughts that make you feel like a failure or loser? See below.
4. Am I in control of my thoughts, or am I at the mercy of them?
If your thoughts are negative and nasty, then you can’t expect your life to be positive and pleasant. Reality is a funny thing, but rather we all live in our own realities that are influenced by our beliefs, thoughts, and ideas.
You can’t expect success in life if you keep telling yourself you will never amount to anything, aren’t “good enough”, or don’t deserve to be happy. If you’d like to defeat the Mental Monsters that limit you, this might help.
5. Am I in control of my eating decisions, or am I at the mercy of them?
Just like your thoughts influence your perception of reality, your eating decisions influence your mood and energy levels. Happy, healthy people consciously choose to eat foods that make them feel alert, focus, and energetic. Unhappy, unhealthy people unconsciously allow their mood and social surroundings to dictate their eating decisions.
以上就是威廉希尔app 高中频道为您整理的2014年高三英语阅读素材:开发你无限潜力的9个问题,欢迎大家进入高中频道了解2014年最新的信息,帮助同学们学业有成!
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