【摘要】威廉希尔app 高中频道的编辑就为您准备了高中2014年英语阅读素材:先用护发素再用洗发水,你洗对了
Like most women, my hair-washing ritual has always been hugely important to me. For as many years as I can remember, I have shampooed twice, then massaged conditioner from roots through to tips and waited two minutes before rinsing.
A few woefully short, bouncy, glossy hours would follow before my hair would revert back to its default setting of lank and limp[. Now, it seems, that limpness was all my own fault.
Reversing the order in which you wash your hair is meant to give you all the detangling and glossing benefits of conditioner - along with extra volume - but without any residual side-effects.
The method itself is simple: wet your hair then work in your favourite conditioner, concentrating almost solely on the ends of the hair, with just a tiny bit at the roots. Leave the conditioner in for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Only now should you shampoo, rinse, and repeat, making sure you don’t use more product than you need.
I towel-dried as gently as I could, worried that without the final smoothing of conditioner I'd be left with a mass of tangles which would explode into a haze of split ends the moment I tried to take a brush to it.
To my immense relief, however, my wide-toothed comb went through my hair as easily as it normally does - with not a tangle in sight.
I blow-dried it as normal and immediately noticed a difference. My hair definitely looked shinier than normal.
Two days later I repeated the process - and the difference was just as pronounced. My hair was definitely looking thicker - as though I'd used a volumising mousse, but without the dulling effect that many styling products leave behind.
By the end of the seven-day challenge, I could see a marked difference in my hair. Not only did it leave hair shinier, it helped combat frizz caused when particles of dirt stick to the residual product. Best of all, it felt softer yet thicker. Not a sticking-out ear in sight.
只要大家用心学习,认真复习,就有可能在高中的战场上考取自己理想的成绩。威廉希尔app 的编辑为大家带来的高中2014年英语阅读素材:先用护发素再用洗发水,你洗对了,希望能为大家提供帮助。
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