高中英语阅读素材:米歇尔险走光 奥巴马捂裙摆
【摘要】高中生各科考试,各位考生都在厉兵秣马,枕戈待旦,把自己调整到最佳“作战状态”。在这里威廉希尔app 为各位考生整理了高中英语阅读素材:米歇尔险走光 奥巴马捂裙摆,希望能够助各位考生一臂之力,祝各位考生金榜题名,前程似锦!!
The American first lady almost suffered a major wardrobe malfunction, but luckily the President was there to hold down her dress!
President Barack Obama saved wife Michelle’s skirt from blowing above her head in the wind as they boarded Air Force One today.
As the Obamas boarded the plane in Houston, Michelle’s skirt began to vigorously billow in the wind. Barack kindly placed his hand over his wife’s bottom to save her from potentially embarrassing photos.
Mr and Mrs Obama had been boarding Air Force One in Houston to head to Austin, Texas. It was even blustery when the couple landed – although Mrs Obama managed to dodge any potential embarrassment with ease. The couple are visiting the Southwestern city to tour the LBJ Presidential Library, as well as attend commemoration ceremonies for the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.
But at least Michelle’s skirt in question was stylish. The First Lady wore a blue-and-black striped full skirt, which she paired with a white twin set and a pearl brooch. She capped off the look with a pair of pointed, low-heel sling-back shoes.
威廉希尔app 高中频道为大家整理了高中英语阅读素材:米歇尔险走光 奥巴马捂裙摆
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