各科成绩的提高是同学们提高总体学习成绩的重要途径,大家一定要在平时的练习中不断积累,小编为大家整理了高中英语课外阅读Sheepherder Coffee,希望同学们牢牢掌握,不断取得进步!
I used to like sheepherder coffee, a cup of grounds in my old enameled pot, then three cups of water and a fire,
and when it's hot, boiling into froth, a half cup of cold water, to bring the grounds to the bottom.
It was strong and bitter and good, as I squatted on the riverbank, under the great redwoods all those years ago.
Some days, it was nearly all I got. I was happy with my dog, and cases of books in my funky truck.
But when I think of thatposture(姿势,态度) now, I can't help but think of Palestinians huddled in their ruins,
the Afghan shepherd with his bleating goats, the widow weeping, sending off her sons, the monk who can't go home.
There are fewer names for coffee, than for love. Squatting, they drink, thinking, waiting for whatever comes.
以上就是为大家整理的高中英语课外阅读Sheepherder Coffee,希望同学们阅读后会对自己有所帮助,祝大家阅读愉快。
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