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MD 9572 £69.99

Plan your journey they easy way

This portable Traveler will give you directions from A to B

anywhere in England, Scotland and Wales. Just enter the start

and the end of your journey and the Traveler will work out

the quickest route. The Traveler can also estimate the journey time, average speed

and fuel consumption. Need to change your journey at any stage?

The Traveler will give you a new set of directions. Other features include auto shut-off.

And a built-in light for night-time use.

Powered by 4AA batteries (not supplied).

MD 7437 Traveler £69.99

How much do you know?

Everyone, young and old, enjoys and challenge of quizzers. Our electronic Quizmaster

contains 5,400 questions and answers in 6 classifications—general knowledge, sport,

science, geography, art and history. Each of these is further divided into 3 skill levels

(easy, medium and difficult)so younger children can fairly compete against teenagers and

adults. PLUS!

Every Quizmaster includes:

?8 Games of Hangman

?Portune Teller Games

?10-digit calculator

?long life cell batteries included

MD 9569 Quizmaster was £19.99 now £14.99

79.In advertisement 2, the Traveler enables us to learn__________.

A.the road conditions from London to Oxfords

B.all the garages along the chosen route

C.the time and speed of the journey in Britain

D.the directions from London to Paris.

80.In advertisement 3, the Quizmaster_________.

A.contains nothing but 5400 questions B.can only answer challenging questions

C.can be purchased in many shops D.can be used by people of all

81.All these advertisements are aimed at those_________.

A.who like to order goods at home B.who are going to travel abroad

C.who do market researches D.who are interested in intelligence tests


高中 > 高中英语学习 > 课外阅读



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