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While some people can't imagine a day without meat, others insist that a vegetarian is the best way to enjoy food and stay healthy. If you're still on the fence about diving into earth and animal-friendly menus, consider the benefits of adopting the lifestyle before making the final decision. Here's a look at just ten benefits of being a vegetarian:


1. Lower risk of cancer. With a diet rich in antioxidants, phytochemical, and vitamins, vegetarians naturally lower their risk of cancer and other diseases. Meat eaters, especially those that indulge in fatty meats are at a much higher risk of cancer.


2. Prevention of Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is becoming more common with the rise of obesity around the world, and vegetarian diets may even can prevent it by including complex carbs and fiber that help the body manage insulin more efficiently.


3. Healthy skin. Diets rich in water-based and plant foods are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins-ideal for healthier skin every season.


4. Low or no saturated fat. Vegetarian menus typicall use all-natural oils and cooking methods to enhance flavor. This is free of unhealthy saturated fat which can lead to a variety of heart problems and cardiovascular disease.


5. Hormone-free eating. Fruits, vegetables, and soy products are never injected with growth hormones and other chemicals that may harm the human body.


6. Increased energy. With the body spending less time digesting animal protein, an energy boost is a nice side effect.


7. Lower blood pressure. Vegan and vegetarian diets can be naturally low in fat and sodium, helping reduce blood pressure and improve circulation instead.


8. Improved digestion. Plant-based foods and fresh fruits are rich in fiber, improving the digestion and elimination process.


9. Increased life span. With the body in harmony and free of harmful toxins and chemical buildup, vegetarians may live longer than their fellow meat eaters. According to a study, vegetarians can live up to 3-6 years longer than meat eaters.


10. Lower grocery shopping bills.Vegetarians can eliminate almost 25% of their food budgets without pounds of meat on the bill.


【总结】2013年威廉希尔app 为小编在此为您收集了此文章“高中英语课外阅读:吃蔬菜的好处”,今后还会发布更多更好的文章希望对大家有所帮助,祝您在威廉希尔app 学习愉快!

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