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Choosing fresh fruits can be more difficult than it sounds. It takes a lot of observations and keen use of senses to spot which fruit is fresh and which one is not. A fruit can show freshness through its color--the skin usually appears bright and blemish-free when fresh, and turns darker and bruised when old。选择新鲜的水果听起来容易,做起来难。需要大量的观察和敏锐的感觉才能发现哪些水果是新鲜的,哪些不是。可以通过观看水果的颜色来判断它是否新鲜——新鲜的水果果皮一般比较明亮、无瑕疵,时间长了颜色就发暗并有擦伤。
However, some types of fruits may appear fresh, even if the condition inside says otherwise. But you can still confirm freshness when these fruits smell sweet and are firm to the touch。然而,有一些种类的水果即使果肉不新鲜了,看上去可能也很新鲜。但如果这些水果闻起来很甜美,摸起来很硬,那它们无疑就是新鲜的。
1. Look for apples that are bright-colored and without any bruises. 挑苹果要挑颜色鲜亮、表皮无擦伤的。
You can always tell that an apple is fresh when the skin appears lustrous and free from cuts and discolorations. Apples that are bright with small specs of green on the skin may also be fresh--but may not be as tasty as those with solid bright colors. The months of October to November are the best times to buy fresh apples. 如果苹果有光泽、表皮无伤无色斑,那么它就是新鲜的。如果表皮鲜亮带有绿色色斑,那它也可能是新鲜的——但味道可能比那种色泽明亮的苹果差一些。十月和十一月是购买新鲜苹果的最佳时机。
2. Inspect the skin surfaces of bananas. 观察香蕉的表皮。
Bruises and soft spots on a banana peel may mean that it's old. Fresh bananas usually appear radiant yellow and are firm to the touch. Bright yellow bananas with little shades of green may also be fresh, but need to be stored at room temperature to ripen completely. Bananas are available year-round, so you can go and buy you fresh ones anytime of the year。香蕉皮上有伤和点点说明它可能不新鲜了。新鲜香蕉看起来呈亮黄色,摸起来很硬。色泽明亮带有绿边的香蕉也可能是新鲜的,但需要在室温下储存来让它完全成熟。香蕉一年四季都有,所以你可以在任何时候去买新鲜的香蕉。
3. Examine the firmness and color of fresh pears. Being firm to touch is one of the many indicators of freshness. 查看梨的硬度和颜色。摸起来硬说明它可能是新鲜的。
Fresh pears also have lustrous color and smooth skin。
The radiance of the color depends on the type of pear you're choosing--fresh Bartlett pears usually appear rich yellow, fresh Anjou and Comice pears often have radiant color of light green to yellowish-green, and fresh Bosc pears appear bright brown-yellow to greenish-yellow in color. Pears are best when bought within the month of November。新鲜的梨也有鲜亮的颜色和光滑的果皮。颜色的明亮程度取决于梨的类型——新鲜的巴梨通常很黄,新鲜的冬梨和考密斯梨的颜色通常在浅绿色和黄绿色之间,新鲜的博斯克梨颜色在棕黄色和黄绿色之间。梨最好在十一月份购买。
4. Go for fresh oranges with bright color, blemish-free and smooth-textured skin. 挑选橘子时,要选颜色明亮、无瑕疵、表皮纹理光滑的。
Fresh oranges may also emit sweet orange scent, are firm and can be heavy for their size. Oranges that are not fresh may look dull, rough, light and spongy. You can buy sweet oranges in good condition from mid-November until February。新鲜的橘子会散发出甜美的橘子味,摸起来硬,称起来重。不新鲜的橘子看起来暗沉、粗糙,重量轻、呈海绵状。你可以在十一月中旬到二月间挑选美味的橘子。
5. Choose peaches with smooth skin, and without cuts or bruises to ensure freshness. 选桃子时要挑表皮光滑、无伤或无瑕疵的来保证新鲜度。
Fresh peaches are also firm but somewhat soft when you put pressure on them. For peaches that are fresh but a little bit hard, you can store them in a brown paper bag under room temperature to ripen. These peaches will not be as sweet as those that are already completely ripe. You can buy fresh peaches from July to September。新鲜的桃子摸起来硬,但当你稍微用力就会觉得有点儿软。新鲜但有点儿硬的桃子可以在室温下放在棕色的纸袋子里,这样就会慢慢成熟。这些桃子可能不如熟透了的桃子甜。你可以在七月到九月间挑选新鲜的桃子。
6. Spot good pineapples by observing their appearance, heaviness and scent. 挑菠萝时要看外观、称重量、闻气味。
A fresh pineapple usually has bright yellow, orange or brownish-yellow color; the "eyes" that surround its body may be a bit separated from each other. It may also appear plump and weigh heavy for its size. And when it's freshly ripe, it emits a sweet fragrance that can be smelled within a short distance. You can usually purchase fresh sweet pineapples during the start and peak of summer。新鲜的菠萝呈亮黄色、橙黄色或棕黄色。表皮上的“眼睛”相互分离。看起来饱满,称起来重。成熟的菠萝会散发出甜美的芳香,离近了就能闻到。你可以在夏初或夏中购买新鲜甜美的菠萝。
7. Buy strawberries that are bright red in color, and choose those without blemishes and with green caps. 买草莓时挑颜色鲜亮、无瑕疵带绿蒂的。
Fresh strawberries are also firm to the touch, have sweet fragrance, appear plump and are dry instead of being moist. Smaller-sized strawberries often are sweeter compared to those of the larger kind. Strawberries are usually at their best from June to early August。新鲜的草莓摸起来硬、闻起来香、看起来饱满,表皮干燥而不潮湿。小草莓通常比大草莓要甜。六月到八月初的草莓最好吃。
8. Get a watermelon that is lustrous green rind and is free from blemishes, punctures or dents. 购买西瓜时要买颜色鲜绿、无擦伤、无洞或无凹痕的。
A fresh watermelon usually appears plump, firm, weighs heavy for its size and is well-proportioned. You can tell that a watermelon is fully ripe and juicy when you hear a deep and hollow sound as you tap it with your knuckles. If you want to buy sliced watermelons, an indication of freshness would be bright red, firm flesh and dark-colored seeds. Watermelons are usually at their peak from June to late August。新鲜的西瓜看起来饱满、坚硬,称起来重,比例匀称。用指关节敲打西瓜,听到深沉、空洞的声音说明西瓜熟透了且多汁。如果你想买切好的西瓜,挑颜色鲜红、果肉坚硬、种子深色的。西瓜通常在六月至八月下旬成熟。
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