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1、On this day, the  moon is said to be its biggest and brightest.    

2、Traditional moon cakes are usually made with bean paste, but nowadays, there   are many  different  kinds of moon cakes including fruit, coffee, chocolate and   even ice-cream moon  cakes.

3、There are many stories about how the Lantern Festivals started. 

4、As it is in early summer, it marks the beginning of the hottest season of   the year.

5、It is called zongzi, which is sticky rice in fresh bamboo leaves.    

6、If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding, you can go with him/her, even if you  don't receive an invitation yourself.

7、on the  heads of the bride and bridegroom.

8、A long silk ribbon that links the crowns is a symbol of a long and happy life for the   couple.



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