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人教版高一英语必修一Unit1 Friendship短语分析



对学过的知识一定要多加练习,这样才能进步。因此,精品编辑老师为大家整理了英语必修一Unit1 Friendship短语分析,供大家参考。

1. go through  通过;经受; 仔细检查; 完成

1) They went through our luggage at the customs. ?仔细检查?

2) Let's go through the exercises. ?做完?

3) Iraq has gone through too many wars. ?经历?

4) The river goes through the city. ?穿过?

5) The piano went through the door easily. ?通过?

6) We've gone through all those envelopes I bought last week. ?用完? 思维拓展: break through  冲破 get through    完成, 通过 live through   活过…… look through  浏览 read through  通读 see through 看穿 have been through with  经受过 (很多苦) through thick and thin   共患难 through and through    彻底,完全  

2. hide away   躲避,隐蔽 The thief hid away in the woods for a week. 小偷在树林里隐藏了一周. They hid away the solider from the enemy  . 他们藏起了这个战士以躲避敌人.  

3. set down  记下? 放下,认为,归因于……

a. Set down his name and address.   记下他的名字和地址.

b.He set down the book on the bable .  他把书放在桌上.

c. I set the man down as a solier.    我以为那人是个士兵.

d. I set down his bad temper to his health. 我认为他的坏脾气是由于身体的原因. set down (doing) sth  着手(做)某事 set out to do sth.  着手做做某事 set off         动身,引爆 set up        竖起,创设,开办 注: 表示” 记下, 写下” 时set down = put down = write down = get down  

4. do with 处理,与….. 有关 He didn‟t knkow what to do with his camel. 他不知如何处置他的骆驼. have sth. to do with     与……有关 have nothing to do with     与……无关 have much / a lot of to do with   与……有很大关系 指点迷津:

(1) do with  表示 “ 处置” 时常与what 搭配,而 deal with 常与how 搭配. What to do with his camel/ how to deal with his camel  

(2) what与how 的其他搭配 What do you think of …?  How do you like / find …?  What to do it next  

(3) do without   没有……也行 If there‟s none left we‟ll have to do without. 如果没有剩余的我们就只得将就了.  

5. for once 就这/ 那一次 a. For once your‟re right . 只有这一次你是对的. b. I think we might relax orselves for this once .我想我们就这么一次可以放松一下. all at once  突然; 同时 once and for all   永远地;一劳永逸地 once in a while    偶尔 once more / again  再一次 once upon a time  从前( 用于开始讲故事) at once      立刻;同时 for once = this once = just for once = for this once    

6. face to face 面对面地 They stood face to face with each other. 他们面对面地站着.

heart to heart   心贴心地, 坦诚地 shoulder to shouldedr   肩并肩地 hand in hand手拉手地 arm in arm臂挽臂地 side by side  并排地 back to back  背靠背地  

7. get along with  进展,相处

a. How are you getting along with your classmates? 你与同学相处怎样?

b. He‟s getting along well with his business.  他生意做得很顺利. get along well / nicely with   与……相处得很好 get along badly with 与……相处得不好 指点迷津:

(1) get along with 中的along 也可以用on 替换.

(2) get along with sb. 是?与某人相处得如何??get along with sth 是?某事进展得如何? (?)在 He didn‟t know that we were getting along with them.中?不能用how 代替that . 当句中没有well, nicely 或 badly 等词时?才用how.  I want to know how they are getting along with the work. 我想知道他们的工作进展得怎么样  

8.get tired of    get/ be tired of sth./ doing sth./ sb. 厌倦某事(做某事、某人)  “I‟ve got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows,” Anne said to her mother. be / get tired from/ with因…而疲劳 tire sb./ oneself out (使) 非常疲劳?筋疲力尽  

9. have some trouble with  I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. 在…有困难?有麻烦

1) I have some trouble with my studies.  have trouble/ difficulty with sb. / sth.

2) They had trouble in passing the driving test.  have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth.  

10. fall in love  They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. fall in love with sb. / sth..  (不能和表示时间段的状语连用)  be in love with  (可以和时间段的状语连用) 【拓展】feel no love 不爱have a great love for 热爱 give one‟s love to向……问候  

11 give sb. some advice  Our English teacher often gives us some advice on how to study English well. give sb. advice on提出建议 【拓展】 ask for advice征求意见  take/ follow advice采纳建议  a piece of advice一条建议(advice是不可数名词)

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人教版高一英语必修一Unit1 Friendship单词解析 

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