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1.(原创)Chinese President Xi Jinping has made ________ clear that he wants to restore Chinese greatness.

A.him B.this C.it D.that

答案 C [考查代词。句意:中国国家主席习近平明确表示,他想实现中国的伟大复兴。it作形式宾语,指代后面的从句。]

2.(2014•资阳二诊)—I will buy the tickets for all of us.

—I don't think so.Not ________ will attend the concert next Sunday.

A.anyone B.someone

C.everyone D.none

答案 C [句意:——我想为所有人都买好票。——我认为不要这样。并非每个人都会在下个星期天去听音乐会。everyone与not连用表示部分否定。]

3.(2014•湖南高三十二校联考)My sister,as well as her classmates who ________ late for class,________ criticized by Mr.Smith.

A.were; was B.was; were

C.was; was D.were; were

答案 A [句意:我姐姐和那些迟到的同学都受到了史密斯先生的批评。who此处引导定语从句,其先行词是her classmates,故其后的谓语动词用复数。as well as连接两个成分作主语时谓语应与as well as前的成分保持一致,故第二个空应和主语My sister保持一致,谓语动词用单数。]

4.—According to my grandma,it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.

—________,scientists agree with her.

A.Sooner or later B.Once in a while

C.To be exact D.Believe it or not

答案 D [考查交际用语。根据scientists agree with her可知,后者同意前者的观点,故选择D。to be exact“准确地说”。]

5.Anyone not familiar with the Internet is at a serious ________ when applying for a job in such an age of information.

A.disadvantage B.advantage

C.disagreement D.agreement

答案 A [句意:在这个信息时代,不熟悉因特网的人在申请工作时很不占优势。disadvantage“弊端,缺点”,符合句意。advantage“优势,优点”;disagreement“不和,争论”;agreement“一致,协议”。at a disadvantage“处于不利位置”。]

6.(2014•湖北八市高三调考)Nowadays,basic health care services are ________ to almost all the Chinese people.This accounts for the fact that the average life expectancy of the Chinese has already risen to 75.

A.alternative B.abundant

C.accessible D.creative

答案 C [考查形容词辨析。此处用accessible“易得到的,易使用的”表示几乎所有的中国人都能享受到基本的医疗保健服务。alternative“可供替代的”;abundant“丰富的”;creative“有创造力的”。]

7.(2014•湖北荆州高三质检)Through the years,VOA Special English has become a very popular tool for teaching English,even though it was not ________ as a teaching program.

A.attached B.designed

C.performed D.appealed

答案 B [考查动词辨析。句意:这些年美国之音慢速英语已成为英语教学的一种很受欢迎的工具,即使它并不是作为教学课程而设计的。attach“把……固定在……,把……附(在……上)”;design“设计”;perform“表演”;appeal“恳求,呼吁”。根据句意和固定搭配be designed as...可知应选B。]

8.—I wonder what makes you a successful manager.

—I ________ as a waiter for five years, which contributes a lot to my today's work.

A.serve B.have served

C.had served D.served

答案 D [考查动词时态。句意:——我想知道是什么让你成为一名成功的经理。——我做了五年的服务员,这对我今天的工作帮助很大。根据句意可知,说话者现在已经不是服务员了,所以题干中的“for five years”和现在没有关系,只是过去的一个时间,因此选一般过去时。]

9.(2014•成都一诊)________ unemployment and crime are high,it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.

A.Before B.Where C.Unless D.Until

答案 B [考查状语从句。句意:在失业率和犯罪率高的地方,人们可以这样认为,是失业导致犯罪。根据上下文逻辑关系,可知应该为地点状语从句,故选B。]

10.(2014•福州高三质检)—How did the Short Play Festival strike you?

—________.We can't think too highly of it.

A.It makes no sense B.It is awful

C.It all depends D.It is fantastic

答案 D [根据“We can't think too highly of it.”可知,我们对短剧节目持高度赞扬的态度。It's fantastic.意为“好极了,妙极了”,符合语境。It makes no sense.意为“那毫无意义”;It is awful.意为“很糟糕”;It all depends.意为“看情况而定”,均不符合语境。故答案选D。]


Taobao,the customer-to-customer online shopping market founded by a former English teacher,Jack Ma,marked it's 10th anniversary in May 2013.It recorded 1 trillion yuan in trade in 2012.

With its success,a great number of new,interesting and even strange jobs have also been created in the virtual(虚拟的) world in the past decade.

In April,Taobao released a report about the nearly 200,000 so-called “e-commerce service providers” that have supported and relied on the business.They included the most profitable modeling work,which can make as much as 50,000 yuan a day,the most fundamental customer service providers,and the critics who make a profit by posting negative comments on store pages so that they can be “financially compensated(补偿)”.

Aside from these,there are other common jobs like online bargainers,online designers,photographers and professional store managers.

The skill of bargaining may be a necessary survival skill in China.But it is a big difference between having it and mastering it,especially in the world of the Internet,where cheating happens more often.With their wide knowledge of all types of goods and sharp tongues,online bargainers make a profit from the price gap.

Since the reward they receive is usually low,between one and ten percent of the price gap created,most of the online bargainers are part-timers who have other day jobs.Rather than making money,they claim their motivation comes from successful bargaining.

Statistics from Taobao showed that there are about 800,000 online store decorators who have designed more than 1.7 million stores in the past decade.Some of the decorators were once online storeowners,who started with decorating their own stores before turning professional.

As competition on Taobao becomes more intense,the price asked by an online store decorator has been rising with the ever-greater demand.A tailor-made page,for example,can cost as much as several thousand yuan.

【解题导语】 淘宝网已经创建十周年了,由于它的成功而兴起的许多有趣甚至奇怪的职业也在网上流行起来。本文介绍了几种这样的职业。

1.What can we learn about Taobao?

A.Its amount of sales was one trillion yuan in the past decade.

B.It made the most profit in the past year.

C.It has provided about 200,000 new jobs for people.

D.Many new and interesting jobs have been created because of its success.

答案 D [细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句It recorded 1 trillion yuan in trade in 2012.可知A项错误。B项在文中无依据。根据第三段第一句In April,Taobao released a report about the nearly 200,000 so-called “e-commerce service providers” that have supported and relied on the business.可知C项错误。根据第二段内容可知D项正确。]

2.The author shows Taobao's success by ____________.

A.describing the founder

B.providing data

C.using examples

D.making comparisons

答案 B [写作手法题。文章开篇就指出淘宝在2012年惊人的销售额,之后又提供了很多数据来说明它的成功。所以B项正确。]

3.People work as online bargainers mostly to ____________.

A.make more money through a part-time job

B.enjoy the feeling of successful bargaining

C.practice their bargaining skills

D.learn about all types of goods

答案 B [细节理解题。根据第六段中Rather than making money,they claim their motivation comes from successful bargaining...可知B项正确。]

4.What is the author's attitude towards online store decorators?

A.Admiring. B.Doubtful.

C.Objective. D.Supportive.

答案 C [作者态度题。文章最后两段介绍了online store decorator的人数、背景以及收费等情况,并没有任何的个人感情色彩,所以作者的态度是客观的。]



“We started as a group of friends with the same problem:difficulty in our personal life to manage our time,being always in a hurry.” This thought was recently offered by Bruno to explain the origin of The Art of Living Slowly,an organization that he founded two years ago,with his wife,Ella.

Bruno and Ella said they decided to draw more people's attention to the overlooked idea that “Time is wealth”.Last year,they created a new holiday,the first Global Day of Slow Living.Despite(尽管)its ambitious(雄心勃勃的)name,the event was limited almost completely to Italy,where the couple organized a number of events:a reverse bicycle race in which the last rider was said to be the winner;an afternoon of grandfathers reading poetry to children,etc.

One Monday in late February,the couple staged a New York version of the Day of Slow Living. “It has to be a Monday,the worst day to try to slow down.” Bruno explained.Bruno was wearing a police cap,mirrored sunglasses,and a sandwich board stating, “Caution!Speed-walking camera is in action!” He flagged down passers-by and handed them postcards printed with fourteen “slowmandments”.For example,No.4:Write your text message on your cellphone with no symbols and get in the habit of starting with “Dear... ”;No.7:Avoid being so busy that you don't have time for yourself.Bruno told the passers-by to read them once a day and keep the doctor away.

Many said, “I can't do this.New York is too fast.” Bruno admitted.But many stopped,they read and said. “This one is good for me,because trying to slow down is like trying to stop smoking.”

When asked about their plans for the future,Bruno and Ella looked at each other and shouted many times the name of the city they had chosen for next year's Global Day of Slow Living. “Tokyo!”

1.What did the Art of Living Slowly help people do?(no more than 8 words)


2.What was the overlooked idea that Bruno and Ella decided to draw more people's attention to?(no more than 3 words)


3.What did Bruno do in New York?(no more than 8 words)


4.How did people who stopped to read Bruno's postcards feel about trying to slow down?(no more than 7 words)


5.Which place had they chosen for the next year's Global Day of Slow Living?(1 word)


答案 1.Avoid being in a hurry all the time.

2.Time is wealth.

3.He flagged down passers-by and handed them postcards.

4.It is like trying to stop smoking.



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