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新人教版高一英语Unit3同步练习:Travel journal




新人教版高一英语Unit3同步练习:Travel journal


1.My Maths teacher is kind and strict, and ________ (尊重)by us.

2.This is a well ________ (组织的)meeting——everything is in good order.

3.The teenagers are always ________ (精力充沛的) and full of life.

4.What I said is very important. You should take it ________ (认真地).

5.He works very hard and always gets good ________ (成绩) in his exams.

6.You'll have to be ________ (耐心的)and wait your turn.

7.Many buildings were ________ (完全) destroyed by the big earthquake.

8.________ (严格地)speaking, I don't like this novel.

9.He felt rather ________ (紧张的) before this exam, so he didn't do well.

10.I'll ________ (感激) it if you can give me an answer at once.

答案:1.respected 2.organised 3.energetic 4.seriously

5.grades 6.patient 7.completely  8.Strictly 9.nervous



1.She has to __________________ (避免吃) fatty food.

2.The bus was crowded with people, ________ (结果) we couldn't get on.

3.You have to _________________ (对……耐心) my mother. She is going rather deaf.

4.John ______________________________(已承认违反了) the school rules.

5.Please ___________________(确保) the light is turned off before you leave the office.

6.Everyone should ____________________________(对……表示尊敬) our parents.

7.John ran ______________________(如此快以致于)we couldn't catch up with him.

8.He was late for class ________________________(因为) the heavy snow.

答案:1.avoid eating 2.so that 3.be patient with 4.has admitted breaking 5.make sure 6.show respect for 7.so fast that 8.as a result of


1.(2015•威海高一检测改编) ________ bad weather stops me, I take exercise outdoors every morning.

答案:Unless 考查连词。句意:除非恶劣的天气阻止我,我每天早晨都进行户外锻炼。unless“除非”,相当于if... not; 根据句意可知用unless。

2.The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already ________(lay) for a meal to be cooked.

答案:laid 考查with复合结构。句意:这个起居室干净整洁,餐桌摆好了准备上饭。由句意可知此处用过去分词作宾语补足语。

3.The old man luckily avoided ________(hurt) by the gas explosion(爆炸).

答案:being hurt 考查avoid的用法。句意:老人幸运地避免了被煤气爆炸伤到。avoid后接动名词作宾语,而不接不定式,老人应该是避免被伤到。所以应是“avoid being hurt”。

4.Our chief editor asked us to fulfil the task on time ________ we can have seven days off during the National Day holiday.

答案:so that 考查连词的用法。句意:我们的总编让我们按时完成任务,以便我们国庆节能放七天的假。so that在这里引导目的状语从句,意为“以便”。

5.—What is the nurse like?

—She is ________(patience) with patients and ready to help them.

答案:patient 考查形容词用法。句意:她对病人很耐心并乐于帮助他们。由句意可知用patient。

6.As I will be away for a long time, I'd appreciate ________ (hear) from you now and then ________(tell)me how everyone is getting along.

答案:hearing; telling 考查appreciate的用法。句意:因为我要离开很长一段时间,所以你要时常写信告诉我每个人的情况,那我将十分感激。第一个空为appreciate doing sth.“感激做某事”;第二个空为动词-ing形式作状语。

7.—It's ________ that out team will win the match.

—Don't be so________(sure;certain).

答案:certain;sure 句意:——“我们队肯定会赢得这场比赛。”——“别那么肯定”。It's certain that...表示“肯定……”,certain不能换成sure;祈使句中用sure不用certain。

8.—You look so tired, Jane.

—I ________(help) my mother clean the house all day.

答案:have been helping 句意:——“你看上去很疲惫,琼。”——“我一整天都在帮我妈妈打扫房间。”用现在完成进行时表示动作从过去开始,进行到现在,还可能持续下去。

9.She is very strict not only ________ all of us, but ______ all her own work.

答案:with;in 考查strict 的用法。句意:她不仅对我们所有人严格要求,而且对她自己的工作也严格要求。be strict with sb./in sth.意为“在……上对某人要求严格”。

10.After he was caught by the police, the man admitted ______ (hide) in the box before the plane left London.

答案:hiding 考查admit的用法,后接动名词。句意:被警察抓住后,这个男人承认他在飞机离开伦敦前藏在了箱子里。


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