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倒装是将语句中的主语、谓语、宾语、状语等颠倒顺序的一种语法现象,常常具有强调语气,在古汉语文言文和英语语句中比较常见。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇倒装与it专项练习


1. — John won the first prize in the contest.

— ________.

A. so he did B. So did he C. So he did too D. So did he; too

2. After that we never saw her again, nor ________from her.

A. did we hear B. we heard C. had we heard D. we have heard

3. Not until I began to work ________how much time I had wasted.

A. didn’t I realize B. did I realize C. I didn’t realize D. I realized

4. — Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

— I don’t know, ________.

A. nor don’t I care B. nor do I care C. I don’t care either D. I don’t care also

5. The secretary ________out the secret at a certain meeting.

A. does let B. did let c. lets D. letted

6. Which of the following is wrong?

A. Down went the teachers. B. Here it is

C. Away went the children D. Out rushed they

7. Not ________every boy ________this maths problem.

A. X; can solve B. does; solve C. can solve; X D. do; solve

8. Only after I read the text over again ________ its main idea.

A. I could understand B. I can catch C. did I know `D. was I followed

9. Here ________.

A. Mary comes B. is coming Mary C. comes Mary D. is Mary coming

10. — Did you enjoy than trip?

— I’m afraid not, and ________.

A. my classmates don’t either B. my classmates don’t too

C. neither do my classmates D. neither did my classmates

11. If you go to Hainan to try chances next month, ________.

A. so does she B. nor does she C. so will she D. nor will she

12. Not far from the school ________quietly.

A. is the Yellow Crane Tower standing B. the yellow Crane tower stands C. does the Yellow Crane Tower stand D. the Yellow Crane Tower is standing

13. In each classroom ________.

A. fifty students are B. are fifty students

C. are there fifty students D. fifty students there are

14. ________that I couldn’t support myself at the moment.

A. I was weak enough B. I was too weak C. So weak I was D. So weak was I

15. So ________that Mary dared not make a sound.

A. did he absorb B. he absorb C. absorbed was he D. he was absorbed

16. ________had he gone to bed ________he fell asleep.

A. Sooner; than B. Sooner; when C. No sooner; than D. No sooner; when

17. ________I had a new problem to deal with.

A. hardly have I arrived when B. hardly did I arrive than

C. Hardly had I arrived when D. Hardly had I arrived than

18. At no time ________they ________us free.

A. did; set B. set; X C. X; set D. did; setting

19. ________of going fishing, but I never had a chance.

A. Often I think B. Often do I think C. often have I thought D. Often did I think

20. ________does he miss a nice film.

A. Seldom B. Always C. Certainly D. sometimes

21. Nowhere else in the world ________cheaper tickets than in Beijing.

A. a tourist will find B. a tourist has found C. can a tourist find D. a tourist can find

22. Not for a moment ________the truth of your story.

A. doubted he B. he doubts C. did he doubt D. he did doubt

23. Not only ________the bus, but ________repair it.

A. he can drive; he can B. can he drive; can he

C. he can drive; can he D. can he drive; he can

24. ________, he walked on.

A. He was very tired B. Tired as he was C. Though tired he was D. Even if tired

25. ________from the 11th floor when the policemen pointed his gun at him.

A. down jumped the murderer B. down the murderer jumped

C. Down jumped he D. Jumped down he

26. ________you tell me ________?

A. Can; where does Mr. Li love B. Could; where Mr. Li lives

C. Would; where did Mr. Li live D. did; where Mr. Li lived

27. —Where is my pen, daddy?

—There ________.

A. it is b. is it C. has one D. you are

28. ________I had a chance, I would have run around the West Lake.

A. if B. Unless C. had D. When

29. ________busy tomorrow, she should come to help me.

A. If she is not B. if she will not be C. Were she not D. Was she not

30. Henry was late and missed the lecture, and so ________.

A. was I B. did I C. for me D. it was with me

31. It was in the fields ________we found a rare jar.

A. there B. where C. that D. which

32. She wants to know if it was between 1906 and 1908 ________the newspaper was born.

A. how B. when `C. that D. which

33. It is ________who ________reasonable.

A. me; am B. me; is C. I; am D. I; is

34. It was the training ________he had as a young man ________made him such a famous writer.

A. when; that B. that; when C. that; who `D. that; that

35. It was ________the Wuhan Bridge was completed.

A. in 1957, not in 1958 then B. 1957, not 1958 then

C. in 1957, not in 1958 D. 1957, not 1958 then

36. It was with great joy ________he received the news ________his long lost son would soon return home.

A. because; that B. that; that C. because; X D. that; X

37. ________that you missed such a fine film?

A. How it was B. How was it C. Was it how D. How did it

38. ________that we’ll have the talk?

A. Will it be in which classroom B. is it in which classroom

C. In which classroom is it D. In which classroom will it be

39. It ________John and Bob who helped me the other day.

A. had been B. are C. was D. were

40. It was not________ she took off her dark glasses ________ I realized she was a famous film star.

A. when; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; then

41. It was ________late in the evening that they finished the experiment.

A. before B. after C. till D. not until

42. ________late in the evening ________the experiment.

A. until; they finished B. until; did they finish

C. Not until; they finished D. Not until; did they finish

43. Is ________necessary to tell his father everything?

A. it B. that C. what D. he

44. ________afraid ________will be windy tomorrow.

A. I’m; the weather B. I’m; it C. It’s; the weather D. It’s; it

45. ________turn is ________to clean the bedroom?

A. Which; it B. Whose; it C. Which; that D. Whose; that

46. it is ________to see you.

A. pleased B. glad C. delighted D. pleasant

47. I found ________to refuse her offer.

A. it is impossible B. he was impossible C. it impossible for him D. he is impossible

48. I think ________great honor to have a talk with you.

A. of it B. of it a C. it D. it a

49. It is foolish ________him ________take her advice.

A. of; not to B. of; not C. for; not to D. for; not

50. It’s important ________the factory to make the waste water clean.

A. of b. with C. for D. to

51. It was ________that the ten-year-old boy was able to use the computer.

A. in surprise B. surprising C. surprise D. surprised

52. Don’t ________for granted that he will keep his promise.

A. take that B. take it C. make that D. make it

53. ________to have paid off his debts.

A. it was said B. he was said C. It was said for him D. He said

54. It ________that the emperor had nothing on.

A. was heard B. was told C. told D. was whispered

55. ________that he was thinking about the matter.

A. It seemed B. he seemed C. it was seeming D. He was seeming

56. It doesn’t make too much ________you will be back tonight.

A. matter if B. difference if C. matter whether D. difference whether

57. He ________to do morning exercises in the park.

A. took a rule B. made a rule C. took it a rule D. made it a rule

58. He soon ________why he had done it.

A. explained us B. told C. made it clear D. said it clear

59. It’s no ________quarrelling ________him any longer.

A. goodness; to B. goodness; with C. good; to D. good; with

60. — Was that the new comer who walked by?

— ________.

A. It must be that B. It must have been C. He must be D. This must have been






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