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1、It is said that his health         by years of hard working.

A. is affecting       B. is broken         C. is destroyed         D. is decorating

2、—Could you do me a favour?

—It ______what it is.

A. puts on           B. depends on      C. relies on            D. take on

3、Our teacher told us that in that way we could better        theory we learned to practice.

A. apply             B. use               C. asks for              D. deals with

4、Do you know how countries         the final in the World Cup?

A. join in            B. join               C. take part in           D. are participated in

5、I do believe we will see each other         .

A. sometimes        B. sometime         C. some time            D. some times

6、The boss ordered that the work should be done         .

A. on time          B. in times           C. at times              D. with time

7、This kind of plant _____lots of vitamin C.

A. includes         B. holds             C. contains             D. takes

8、She has       the family faithfully for thirty years.

A. serve for          B. been served     C. serves               D. served

9、The house         in half an hour.

A. burnt down                                 B. has burned down

C. was burnt down                         D. burns down

10、I’d like to take this         to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.

A. money           B. time                C. opportunity          D. occasion




人教版高一英语下册同步练习:Unit 3 Computers


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