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高一下册英语随堂练习:Unit2 Travelling around the world



要对知识真正的精通就必须对知识进行活学活用,下面是威廉希尔app 为大家带来的高一下册英语随堂练习,希望大家通过这个能真正的对知识灵活运用。


Key words and phrases:

_________ 法国 _________ 塔

_________ 法国的 _________ 完成

_________ 旗帜 _________ 电梯,升降机 _________ 葡萄酒 _________ 台阶

_________ 标记号,打上勾 _________ 楼梯

_________ 可能的 _________ 接收者

_________ 欧洲 _________ 日期

_________ 百货商店 _________ 问候

_________ 葡萄园 _________ 地址

_________ 优秀的

_________ 南部,南方

_________ 位于,坐落于

_________ 海岸,海滨


一、 单项选择

( )1.I'll stay in Changchun______ at least three days.

A.About B.for C. Around D. Over.

( the Great Wall this holiday?

-- Great, A. visit ,climbing B. visiting ,climbing

C. visiting ,climb D. visit ,climb

( )3.Harbin lies in the ________ of China

A. east B. north C.west

( )4.How about going to Hong Kong? It has ________for everyone.

A. everything B. something C. anything

( ) 5.You can buy MP4 ________ you like listening to music.

A. and B. if C. when

( )6. He ________ living in the country to the city.

A. likes B.prefers C.enjoys

( )7. All this gracious(优裕的)living is not for me. I _______ the simple life.

A. have B. need C. think D. prefer

( )8. They often go_______ in December because it?s a very good sport.

A. shopping B. sighting C. skiing D. boating

( )9. There are do many steps to the top floor . You can __ the lift.

A. get B. Bring C. Carry D take

( )10. Cold tea makes an ____drink in summer.

A. excellent B. interesting C. nice D. useful

( )11. ____ London is ____capital of the UK.

A. The…the B. ...the C.... a D. the…a

( )12. those places of interesting in Beijing attract a lot of tourists every year. People are

interested in ____very much.

A. it B. its C. they D. them

( )13. Shanghai lies ____the coast of East China.

A. at B. on C. in D. to

( )14. If you go to Shanghai , you will find many famous interesting places ____the Oriental

Pearl Tower and Jinmao Tower

A. such as B. for example C. because of D. full of

( )15. –Do you know Hemingway ?

–Yes,He ____a writer and ____his works-The Old Man and theSea.

A. is famous for, is famous for B. is famous for, is famous as

C. is famous as, is famous as D. is famous as, is famous for

( )16. – Helen, where are you ____?

– I hear Kunming is a good place ____.So I will pay a visit to it.

A. going for holiday, going B. going on holiday, to go

C. going for holiday, to go D. going on holiday, going

( )17. --Where?s your new school?

--It ____ in the centre of our city.

A. lies B. lay C. lied D. lays


1、Hangzhou is the palace to g____ this summer.

2、Which park is the most b____ in Dalian?

3、Beijing is the c_____ of China

4、We are going to visit the science m____ next Sunday.

5、The word e____ means very good.

6、Germany as well as France is a _____ country(west)

7、There is a ____ film tonight. Let's go and see it .(wonder)

8、My grandpa was a ____ in the past.(farm)

9、Hainan is famous for its ______.(beach)

10、Why not try ___a card yourself?(make)

11、People from _____________ speak _____________. (French, France)

12、This story is about three _____________. (French, Frenchman, Frenchmen)

13、France is famous ___________its food. (as, for)

14、Tom jumps__________ than me. (taller, higher)

15、Don?t be ___________. (fool, silly)

三、 选词填空(必要时,须改变单词的形式。)

1. Don?t _____________ to turn off the light when you leave the room.

2. Sorry, I can?t _____________his name. Please tell me again.

3. We are ______________ a trip to Beijing this summer.

4. Do you know the saying that practice makes __________________?

5. Don?t lose heart” mother ______________me.

6. Thank you .You _________________will be great help for us.

7. How did you _________________May Day this year?

8. It is a birthday _________________for my brother.

9. He told us his idea in _________________English. We could understand him.

10. Is there anything ___________________in the papers today?

2. ___________________visit the Summer Palace this weekend?

That?s really a good idea.


Beijing ___________________its ancient places of interest such as the Great Wall and The

Palace Museum.

4. --Shall we ___________________in Switzerland this winter holiday?

-- Wow, that?ll be really nice .

5. Tokyo is an Asian city with many huge _______________,so a lot of tourists go there to shop every year.

6. I?d ___________________stay at home because it is too hot outside.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的高一下册英语随堂练习,大家仔细阅读了吗?更多同步练习,尽在威廉希尔app 。





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