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精编重大版高一英语同步训练:Learning from Helen Keller



英语是我们除母语外又学习的第二语言,因此英语对我们来说也是非常重要的,下面威廉希尔app 为大家整理了重大版高一英语同步训练,希望大家可以通过这个练习来检验自己。

表达同意和不同意 1 Discuss with your partner how you express agreement or disagreement, then write down the typical sentence structures. 1)_________________________________ 2)_________________________________ 3)_________________________________ 4)_________________________________ 1)_________________________________ 2)_________________________________ 3)_________________________________ 4)_________________________________ Certainly/Sure /Of course.当然可以。 No problem. Yes ,I think so. That’s a good idea.那是个好主意。 I agree(with you). I agree to…/that… No way.没门。I don’t agree. 我不同意。 I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. I don’t think so. /I don’t think … I think / believe/ hope not . 我认为/相信/希望不是这样的。 2 Listen to a conversation and complete the following statements. 1) This conversation takes place______. A. at home B. in a class C. on the way downtown 2) The speakers are going to A. do some shopping B. have a rest C. meet Aunt Martha 3) The relationship between the two speakers is____ A. teacher and student B. father and child C. classmates 4) The attitudes of the two speakers towards what they are going to do are______ A. the same B. different C. not mentioned 5) At the end of the conversation, the child_______ A. still objects to doing what they are going to do B. agrees to do what they are going to do C. fall into silence and does not say anything any more 3. Listen to the conversation again and try to fill in the missing information. A: I don’t see why we have to go ___________________ just to meet Aunt Martha. B: Yes. But I promised her a long age _____________________ pick out some things for Jeff. A: Couldn’t she__________________? B: Yes, of course, if she had to. all the way downtown that I'd come and help her just do it herself 2) B: Because I told her I’d help . Besides, I want to. She’s done a lot of nice things for us,___________. A:___________________? B: Come on. You know, she helped me a lot, especially______________________. A: Yeah, but that was a long time age. B: That doesn’t matter. She still did it. Besides, I know you’ll like it once you get there._______________. you know Like what when you two were younger You always do 3) A: Hey, do you think Aunt Martha will take us to that excellent place for lunch? B: ___________________? A: Remember? The one with _________ ____________________, where she took us before. B: Oh, yes , Johnson’s. What place the waterfall and the fish pond 4) B: That is not a waterfall, though; it’s a fountain. A: Whatever. Anyway, it’s water. B; I think we might go there ,_____________. A: Hey , that was _____________. B: OK. if you want to a fun place 4. 略 5. Finish the dialogue, using the sentences structures in the chart and those you have found in task 4 You may start your discussion like this: A: Have you heard that John was taken to prison? B: No. What happened? I saw him only last week. But … A: …

通过威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的重大版高一英语同步训练,大家做完之后是不是又有新的体会了,祝大家学习进步。





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