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7.A.anxiously     B.curiously

C.proudly      D.patiently

8.A.replaced      B.rescued

C.played       D.punished

9.A.surprised      B.disappointed

C.interested        D.delighted

10.A.part      B.name

C.honor       D.money

11.A.already       B.still

C.never        D.even

12.A.worst        B.best

C.longest      D.easiest

13.A.Besides      B.However

C.Therefore        D.Still

14.A.everything    B.nothing

C.something        D.anything

15.A.break        B.apology

C.breath       D.chance

16.A.encouraged      B.showed

C.lost      D.stopped

17.A.no        B.more

C.another       D.such

18.A.passed       B.came

C.saved        D.wasted

19.A.surprise      B.enjoyment

C.disappointment       D.regret

20.A.woke up     B.lit up

C.rose up      D.cheered up



1.D 依据下文的the newcomer,Ruth,知道班上新来了一位同学,因此此处指“陌生的,不熟悉的”面孔。

2.B 联系上下文知,她的衣着让我们相信她不会融入我们的社交圈子。

3.B 她的衣着单一,总是穿同样的衣服。

4.C 依据下文the school's Christmas programs知道圣诞节前夕有很多节目。

5.A 镇上的大多数人都来参加这些活动。

6.D 依据下文This year there would be...play可以知道答案。

7.A 我们都急切地听老师宣布演出的演员名单。

8.C play在这里作“扮演”讲。

9.D but at once tense again...说明起初我对于自己出演该角色非常开心,但立马又紧张起来,因为不知道是哪个受欢迎的女孩要同我一起演出。

10.A Mary这个“角色”将由……Ruth 扮演。

11.D 可是Ruth甚至从来不曾尝试过……

12.A 我们一致认为如果让Ruth 扮演Mary,这场话剧将会是圣诞话剧中最糟糕的。

13.B 但是,(老师任命后)Ruth积极投入训练。

14.B 在Ruth训练唱歌时,大家却无所事事。

15.C Ruth训练太刻苦,导致嗓子沙哑,连换气都很困难。

16.D 于是音乐老师打断了钢琴伴奏者。

17.A 老师生气地说“今年不会有话剧了”,意思是取消该话剧。

18.B 终于我们年级的演出时间到了。

19.A 出乎大家预料的是原来的话剧变成了Ruth的独唱。

20.B light up点燃;照亮;容光焕发。


My topic today is the Internet.It was prompted (引出) by the first letter,which I am unable to answer fully for the reasons given!

Dear David,

I am a middle school student.Now I am preparing for a writing competition.Could you please check the mistakes in my article about using the Internet and give me some advice?Thank you.

No name

David writes:

I am very sorry to say that I think it would be unfair to help you win a competition—unfair to the other competitors!

But I will say that your article is very interesting and I wish you good luck.Your article makes some good points that deserve talking about in this column!


Dear David,

I'm now learning English by myself.Can you introduce some useful websites where I can make friends  with foreigners?Please help me.


David writes:

Well,dear Moonlight,I bet you made a good choice by using the Net in your self­studies.Two very good websites I would suggest to you are www.britishcouncil.org.cn and www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglish.

By the way,for those readers interested in the teaching of English,there is an Internet discussion group called ELTCSChi­L (English Language Teaching Contacts Scheme China List).

And also,a healthy warning to all my readers:If over­used,the Internet can be a WOMBAT—A Waste of Money,Brains and Time!

1.David is probably a________.

A.language expert     B.computer expert

C.college student    D.club chairman

答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据两封读者来信和David的回信所述内容可知他是一位语言专家。

2.What is the reason why the first letter is unable to be fully answered?

A.David is unable to think out good advice.

B.David thinks it is expected to play fair in the competition.

C.David is going to talk on another topic—Internet.

D.David finds no mistakes in that article.

答案与解析:B 细节理解题。他认为如果他为这位来信人修饰作文,这对于其他参赛者不公平。

3.“www.britishcouncil.org.cn” is a(n)________.

A.website where one can make foreign friends

B.website where one can join a discussion group

C.newspaper column for answering readers' questions

D.English newspaper for students and language teachers

答案与解析:A 细节理解题。Moonlight向David询问有关能够交外国朋友的网站,David给出了两个这样的网址,这是其中一个。

4.Which of the following is NOT David's opinion of the Internet?

A.English teachers can exchange opinion on the Net.

B.The Internet is of much help to English learners.

C.Using the Internet is a waste of money and time.

D.We should make a proper use of the Net.

答案与解析:C 推理判断题。David认为过度使用网络会是金钱、精力和时间的浪费。C项错误。



高一下册英语同步练习:Unit 3 Computers



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