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高一英语下册Unit4 Wildlife protection课后习题



五. 句子翻译

1. 你认为中国的熊猫正处在危险中吗?(in danger)

2. 我们不确定宇宙是何时形成的。(come into being)

3. 他成功地保护了野生动植物。(succeed int)

4. 他举起手来保护他的孩子免受伤害(protect…from…)

5. 他的建议没有引起注意。(pay attention to)

6. 吸烟将有害于你的健康。(do harm to)


一. 词性转换

1. protection    2. importance    3. effect    4. distance     5. laugh  6. power

7. container    8. success; successful; successfully

9. employment; employee; employer     10. lose; lost; loser


1. decreased     2. powerful    3. hunt     4. affected    5. fierce     6. bite

7. appreciate   8. contain   9. succeeded     10. harm   11. mercy     12. loss

13. respond     14. inspected    15. employ


1. came into being    2. According to     3. protect from      4. pay attention to

5. die out   6. in danger   7. in peace  8. burst into laughter    9. so that

10. in relief


1—5 ADACB    6---10  ACBCB


1. Do you think the pandas in China are in danger?

2. We are not sure when the universe came into being.

3. He succeeded in protecting the wildlife.

4. He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.

5. No attention was paid to his advice.

6. Smoking will do harm to your health.

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高一英语必修二Unit4 Wildlife protection基础词汇巩固练习


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