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高中英语是中国对英语教育阶段的一个部分组成。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一必修2英语随堂检测题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


(   )1.He often uses the Internet             their work .

A  does     B do         C to do      D doing

(   )2.            e-mails do you send ?

A How many         B  How much

C  How old          D  How often

(   )3.-How often does she watch TV?

-            .

A  A day    B  Sometimes     C  At night      D  In a day

(   )4. He has got a laptop and he uses it for his business ,             he never plays computer games on it .

A  and       B  or     C  but     D   so

(   )5. They usually           on the Internet . So they don’t need CDs .

A  listen to music                B   visit website

C  make travel plans             D  check the train timetable

(   )6.           a computer , but their son never goes online .

A  She has            B   We have

C   I have            D  They have

(   )7. She likes         computer games .

A   play    B  plays   C players   D    to play

(   )8. I switch           the computer and open a new document .

A  at     B  on    C from    D   off

(   )9. My friend Lily never             online .

A  doesn’t go    B  don’t go    C  goes    D   go

(   )10. There are            animals in the zoo .

A  two kinds         B  two kinds of

C  two kind of        D  many kinds


1、one                         2、two

3、three                        4、four

5、five                        6、eight

7、nine                         8、 twelve

9、twenty-two                   10、thirty


1.Many people send emails to their friends on the Internet .(改为否定句)

Many people                      emails to their friendson the Internet .

2.They often download some test questions from the Internet .


they often           any test questions from the Internet ?

3.these young people usually play computer games on the computer .


do these young people play computer games on the computer ?

4.My father usually uses the computer in the evening . (就划线部分提问)

your father use the computer ?

5.Do you often visit the website ?(改为同义句)

Do you often                         ?

I.                    改错。

1.I often go online and use the computer doing my homework .(      )

A        B              C

2.Do your brother make travel plans on the computer ?       (      )

A              B     C

3.We can get many information on the Internet .            (      )

A    B     C

4.How many email do you get every week ?               (      )

A       B        C

5.How do you write your homework to the computer ?       (      )

A          B              C


Sam likes fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself(她自己)“ Good ! Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can cat this fish. They like fish very much.”

So when Sam comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always say “Oh, your cat eats it.” And she gives Sam some bread for his supper. Sam gets very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the near his house and weighs(称重)the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says,“My fish weighs one kilo. This cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see. Then where is my fish?”

(    )1. Sam likes eating ______________ very much.

A. fish                   B. meat

C. bread                D. bananas

(    )2. Sam has a ______________ .

A. bird                  B. cat

C. shop                 D. baby

(    )3. Sam gets angry because _______________ .

A. the bread is not good               B. he’s too tired.(累)

C. he doesn’t have fish to eat        D. his wife doesn’t let him eat

(    )4. Who eats fish for lunch?

A. Sam’s wife      B. The friends of Sam’s wife

C. Sam            D. A and B

(    )5. Which is wrong?

A. The cat weighs one kilo.          B. Sam often buys fish in the shop.

C. There’s a shop near Sam’s house    D. The cat e4ats the fish.



高一英语必修2课堂练习:unit 1



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