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英语高一级期末复习题:Nelson Mandela a modern hero



7.He doubted whether she would be ________ to the task.

A.equal B.similar

C.familiar  D.content

答案:A 考查形容词词义辨析和搭配。句意:他怀疑她是否胜任这项任务。be equal to sth.“胜任某事”,符合句意。similar“相似的”;familiar“熟悉的”;content “满意的,满足的”。be familiar to意为“为……所熟悉”,主语往往是物。be content with“对……满意”。故选A。

8.—I suppose you haven't finished that report yet.

—I finished it yesterday, ________.

A.in this way B.as far as I know

C.as a matter of fact  D.in a word

答案:C 考查固定搭配。句意:——我想你还没有完成那个报告。——事实上,我昨天完成了。in this way“以这种方法”;as far as I know“据我所知”;as a matter of fact“事实上”;in a word“总之,简而言之”。

9.In the dark street, he had no one to ________ for help.

A.turn up B.turn around

C.turn to  D.turn down

答案:C 考查动词短语。句意:在漆黑的街道上,没有人能帮助他。turn up“出现”;turn around“转身”;turn to“求助,转向”;turn down“调小,拒绝”。

10.The year 1949 ________ the founding of the People's Republic of China.

A.saw B.watched

C.observed  D.noticed

答案:A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:1949年见证了中华人民共和国的成立。see,find,witness等词可用物作主语,以拟人手法增添语言色彩。watch“注视”;observe“观察”;notice“注意到”。

11.—Why haven't you bought any butter?

—I ________ to, but I forgot about it.

A.meant B.liked

C.wanted  D.expected

答案:A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:——你为什么没有买黄油?——我本来打算买的,但我忘了。mean to do sth.“打算做某事”;而meant to do sth.则表示本来打算做而没有做。答语为省略句,补充完整为I meant to buy some butter, but...。

12.In time we reached a stage ________ we had more young readers than old ones.

A.where B.how

C.who  D.what

答案:A 考查定语从句的用法。句意:很快我们就达到了这样一个阶段,此时我们的年轻读者要多于年老读者。先行词为stage,意为“阶段”,且从句中缺少状语,故用where引导。

13.—I'm going to vote ________ Jackson in the next election. How about you?

—Me, too. He's the best man for the position.

A.for B.on

C.against  D.in

答案:A 考查介词。句意:——在下一次选举中我投票选举杰克逊。你呢?——我也是。他是最合适的人选。vote for投票赞成;vote against“投票反对”;vote on“投票表决”。

14.You should give a hand to one who is ________.

A.in the trouble B.having the trouble

C.in trouble  D.getting into the trouble

答案:C 句意:你应该帮助遇到麻烦的人。由语境可知“陷入困境”表状态,in trouble为固定短语,trouble前不加冠词,get into the trouble表动作。

15.(2014•三亚高一检测)Only after he knew the truth ________how silly mistakes he had made.

A.he realized B.did he realize

C.did he realized  D.had he realized

答案:B 考查倒装。句意:只有当他知道事实后,他才意识到自己犯了多么愚蠢的错误。“only+状语”置于句首主句要部分倒装,可先排除A;D项表示realize发生在know之前,时态错误;C项本身语法错。故选B。






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