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英语高一级期末考试练习:English around the world



15.—What do you think of my work, Miss White?

—I'll come to the point________—your work isn't good enough.

A.friendly B.politely C.rudely D.straight

16. The rock ______wears away due to the action of the water.

A. Gradually B. exactly C. loosely D. fluently 17. He is a _______visitor to that country .I mean, he often goes there .

A. grateful B. loose C. frequent D. native

18. So fluently does he speak English that he is often considered as a (an ) _____.

A .official B. teenager C .native D .accent

19. Go down this street, and you’ll find the police station three ______away.

A. curtains B. blocks C. voyages D. entirely

20. He may look young but he’s _______45.

A. actually B. gradually C. frequently D. entirely

21. As far as I’m concerned, you should read more literature to enrich your _______.

A. identity B. power C. vocabulary D. accent

22. Mr. Smith’s office is on the 18th floor .You’d better take the _______.

A. voyage B. elevator C. highway D. identity

23. I suggest you take Jack to Italy with you ,for he speaks _______Italian .

A. official B. fluent C. frequent D. entire

24. The _______from England to India used to take six months ,which tire out the sailors .

A. request B. apartment C. block D. voyage

25. The ______in her eyes told me something was wrong .

A. block B. base C. item D. expression

26. He commanded that all the gates _____when it was getting dark in case thieves came in .

A. were shut B. must be shut C. could be shut D. be shut

27. Working as an editor ,you must learn Chinese well in addition to having a good _____ of English .

A. command B. seize C. hold D. possession

28.All I request of you is that you ______there ahead of time .

A. are B. will be C. were D. be

29. Without facts, a person can not form a correct opinion ,for he needs to have actual knowledge ______his thinking .

A. on which to be based B. on which to base C. which to be based D. which to base 30 Barbara is easy to ______as she’s the only one of the women who wears an evening dress.

A. know B. recognize C. express D. ignore

答案:1.Actually 2.request 3.gradually 4.recognize

5.straight 6.accent 7.identity 8.vocabulary 9.native


答案:1.Not all the students 2.in every direction 3.should go

4.A number of 5.in color


2.答案:C 这里空后的John就是上文所说的“only one student”,所以选namely(也就是,即)。句意:只有一个学生通过了考试,也就是约翰。such as“例如,像„„这样”,常用来罗列同类中的几个例子;especially“尤其是”;equally“相等地;平等地”。

3.答案:A 考查come up的用法。句意:(学生们)在今天的数学课上提了很多问题,这是新老师所没有预料到的。come up在此意为“被提出”,不能用于被动语态。

4.答案:A frequent意为“频繁的;常见的”,此处指全球气温变暖所带来的更频繁的洪水、热浪和干旱。usual意为“习惯性的,通常的”;ordinary“普通的”;common“平常的,共同的”,均不符合题意。

5.答案:A 考查短语make use of的变式及语态。句意:在这一地区,为了改善人们的生活,自然资源已经被人们充分利用了。由make good use of这一短语可知,选带of的选项;再由语态可知选A项。

6.答案:B it was...that...强调原因状语,由于“his strong interest”为名词,故用because of。句意:戴维说就是因为他对文学有浓厚的兴趣,他才选择了这门课程。

7.答案:C other than意为“除了”,此处表示“恐怕除了乘船以外你无法到达那里”,即“你只有乘船才能到达那里”。more than“多于,仅仅”;rather than“而不是”;better than“超过,好于”,均不符合题意。

8.答案:B 考查“介词+which+to do”结构。句意:教授几乎不能找到足够的理由支持他的理论。base on意为“基于,作为„„的基础”。

9.答案:A 考查close的用法。close和closely均可用作副词,指“接近,靠近”,但使用场合不同;close多用来修饰由介词引导的短语,如get/stand close to...;而closely则用来修饰动词或过去分词,意为“紧密地,密切地”,如:I'm following the matter closely.。

10.答案:D 考查动词与名词的搭配。play a part in...表示“在„„中起作用”,此处the computer has played in the daily life为定语从句,修饰the part。句意:你意识到电脑在我们的日常生活中所起的作用了吗?

11.答案:D 考查command后跟虚拟语气。command后跟that从句,从句要用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。

12.答案:D 考查连词。句意:即使你告诉我事实,我也不会帮助你的。这不关我的事。even if“即使”;unless“除非”;since“自从”;as if“好像”。

13.答案:D 考查副词辨析。indeed“真正地”;surely“的确地”;truly“真正地”;actually“事实上,实际上”。句意:他看上去是一个博学的人,实际上他一无所知。

14.答案:A 句意:尽管我和约翰已经有五年左右没有见面了,但是我一接电话就辨别出了他的声音。recognize强调从记忆中搜索到,辨认出人、物、声音、方位等。最大的干扰项realize强调潜意识中注意到、理解、领会。

15.答案:D 由后面的评价“your work isn't good enough”可以看出,这里是对对方的工作直接发表看法。答句句意:我直入主题——你的工作不够好。straight在这里用作副词,意思是“直接地”。 1-5 ACCBA 6-10CBBDD 11-15DADBB 16-20A




高一年级英语期末考试复习题:Nelson Mandela a modern hero


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