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___71. --- Good news ! Gonnis has won the game ! ---Oh , we should _____ her .

A. be proud of B. be pride of C. take proud of D. take pride of

___72. He with a lot of servants ______ in the hall .

A. sit B. sits C. seat D. seats

___73. Villagers are worried that part of their history will _____ .

A. gone B. missing C. be lost D. lose

___74. I have two brothers . One of _____ is an editor .

A. whom B. whose C. them D. that

___75. Visitors can visit the culture relics but cause _____ them .

A. no damage to B. no destroy to C. damage to D. destroy to

___76. Would you like to ______ the sports meeting ?

A. join B. attend C. take D. take part in

___77. We go back home _______ .

A. every four week B. every the other week

C. every other week D. every months

___78. More and more ______ take part in the Olympic Games .

A. woman athletes B. woman competitors

C. women players D. women fighters

___79. Hosting the Olympics is ________ great honour and ______ great responsibility.

A. / , / B. a , / C. / , a D. a , a

___80. Rather than _____ the games ; he always prefers ____ them .

A. watch , to join in B. to watch , to join in

C. watching , joining in D. watch , join in

___81. That question is ________ worth _______ .

A. very , to do B. very , of being done C. well , to be done D. well , doing

___82. This kind of exercise will have bad ____ on you .

A. effect B. affect C. effective D. affects

___83. I'd rather ____ it than _______ it .

A. to watch , to play B. to watch , play C. watch , play D. watch , to play

___84. Great changes will _____ before the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing .

A. take place B. be happened C. be taken place D. take place of

___85. Our teacher prefers her ________ .

A. to coming B. to come C. don't come D. comes

___86. The school doesn't allow ________ in class .

A. smoke B. to smoke C. us smoke D. smoking

___87. I'll remember the days _____ we spent together .

A. which B. when C. on which D. in which

___88.---Hello, may I speak to Bill , please ? ---________ .

A. Bill speaking B. I'm Bill C. I'm speaking D. You're speaking to Bill

___89.--- I'd like to buy a new cell phone .

---Well , we have several models for you ______ .

A. to choose B. to choose from C. to be chosen D. to choose them

___90. You can't imagine ___ when I get a cell phone for my birthday .

A. how I was excited B. how excited I was

C. how excited was I D. I was how excited

___91.____ I forget , please remind me ______ it .

A. In case , to B. In case of , of C. In case , of D. In that case , about

___92. Mr Green expressed the hope ___he could have another chance to come to visit China again the next year .

A. which B. what C. / D. that

___93. New functions are ______ the phone .

A. being added to B. being added up to C. added up D. added up to

___94. Something ____ is mobile can be moved easily from _____ to place .

A. that , place B. which , a place C. that , a place D. what , the place

___95. ____ his car ____ , he quickly dialed the police number .

A. Discovered , stolen B. Discover , stolen

C. Having discovered , stolen D. Having discovered , to steal

___96. ---- Will you go to the party next Tuesday evening ?

---- Sorry , I have got something ______ evening .

A. in that B. on C. on that D. for that

___97. --- How much shall I _____ the phone call ?

--- You don't have to . This is ______ .

A. pay for , free of charge B. pay , free of charge

C. pay for , freely charge D. pay , freely charge

___98. ----Is this a convenient time ? ---Sure , ________ .

A. go on B. go C. go around D. go head

___99. No matter _____ he is , he must _____ and don't use his cell phones in the classroom .

A. what , be by the rule B. who , obey the rules

C. that , be by the rule D. where , obey the rule

___100. When I got to the cinema , the film _____ for half an hour .

A. was already begun B. had already begun C. has been D. had been

___101. ---Do you have my cell phone , Mary ?

---Yes , I have _____ right here , I'm calling my father .

___102. Don't speak all at once , please _____ .

A. take a turn B. take turning C. take turns D. take a turning

___103.--- Who _____ electricity ? ---- I have no idea .

A. discovered B. found C. found out D. invented

___104. I'll try to get the work ______ in a week's time .

A. do B. doing C. done D. to do

___105.The skirt cost her ____ money . What's more , the colour is ____ dark for her .

A. so much , too much B. so much , very much

C. much too , too much D. too much , much too

___106. She was _____by illness ___ the exam .

A. kept , from taking B. keeping , from taking

C. kept , taking D. keeping , taking

___107. I don't need the dictionary ____ . You can use it now .

A. at present B. at a time C. at that time D. for one time

___108. He tried everything but it made little _____ .

A. use B. good C. difference D. work

___109. The premier is _____ a tour of the flooded areas .

A. in B. on C. at D. of

___110. This book ___ the needs of beginners .

A. adapt to B. is adapted to C. adapt for D. is adapted for

___111. Long , long ago , a lot of milu deer lived ________ .

A. in the wild B. in wild C. on wild D. in the earth

___112. Professor Steve devoted his life _____ the milu deer .

A. to protect B. to protecting C. protect D. protecting

___113. Jack is quite different from his brother , they have nothing in ______ .

A. ordinary B. usual C. common D. similar

___114. They _____ strong measures against dangerous drivers .

A. gave B. made C. got D. took

___115. _____ money is spent on tobacco every year .

A. A large amount of B. A large number of C. The amount of D. The number of

___116. Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour .

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay

___117.--- Hi, Tracy , you look tired . ---I am tired . I _____ the living room all day .

A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted

___118. ---Did the Smiths live next door to you ? --- No , but they _____ .

A. used to B. used to do it C. used to be D. used

___119. I thought her nice and honest ____ I met her .

A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time

___120. How about the two of us ____ a walk down the garden ?

A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking

___121. The meeting ___ this evening is of great importance .

A. holding B. held C. to hold D. to be held

___122. In non-English ______ countries people need more practice in ____ English .

A. speaking, speaking B. spoken , spoken

C. speaking , spoken D. spoke, speaking

___123. If I have a short-wave radio , I can often ____ the BBC programmes .

A. pick out B. pick C. pick up D. pick on


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