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英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一必修1五单元语法专项练习,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


1. I still remember the night _______I first came to the house.

2. I'll never forget the day________   we met each other last week.

3. Mr Black is going to Beijing in October, _______is the best season there.

4. I will never forget the days _______I spent with your family.

5. I'll never forget the last day______ we spent together.

6. This is the school ______I used to study.

7. Do you still remember the place______ we visited last week?

8. Do you still remember the place_______ we visited the painting exhibition?

9. Have you ever been to Hangzhou,_____is famous for the West Lake?

10. Have you ever bee to Hangzhou, ______lies the West Lake?

11. Tom will go to Shanghai,______live his two brothers.

12. I live in Beijing,____is the capital of China.

13. There was a time ______there were slaves in the USA.

14. It is the third time ______you have made the same mistake.

15. It was in the street _____I met John yesterday.

16. It was about 600 years ago____the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

17. The moment _____I saw you, I recognized(认出)you.

18. This is the very novel about____we've talked so much.

19. This is the way____he did it.

20. Who is the student _____was late for school today?

21. Who _____knows him wants to make friends with him?

22. What else was there in my brother____you didn't like?

23. He lives in the room____window faces to the south.

24. He lives in the room, the window_____faces to the south.

25. This is Mr. John for____son I brought a book yesterday.

26. This is Mr. John for_____I bought a book yesterday.

27. This is the hour_____the place is always full of women and children.

28. And there is one point ______I'd like your advice.

29. Winter is the time of year______the days are short and nights are long.

30. I hope you will find this valley a beautiful place____you may spend your weekend.


1.His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ______ family was poor.

A.of whom     B.whom       C.of whose    D.whose

2.In the dark street , there wasn’t a single person _____ she could turn for help.

A.that       B.who        C.from whom     D.to whom

3.After living in Pairs for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.

A.which      B.where       C.that      D.when

4.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________,of course , made the others unhappy.

A.who      B.which        C.this        D.what

5.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , _____ was very reasonable.

A.which price             B.the price of which

C.its price              D.the price of whose

6._____ has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A.As        B.It        C.That       D.Which

7.He lived in London for 3 months , during ____ time he learned some English.

A.this       B.which       C.that       D.same

8.The visitor asked the guide to take his picture _____ stands the famous tower.

A.that       B.where       C.which       D.there

9.The boss ____ department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women.

A.in which     B.in that      C.in whose     D.whose

10.I don’t like _____ you speak to her.

A.the way     B.the way in that  C.the way which   D.the way of which


1. when   2. when  3. which   4. that/which   5. that

6. where   7. that/which  8. where  9. which   10. where

11. where   12. which  13. when   14. that   15. that

16. that   17. (that)   18. which    19. (that/in which)   20.that

21.that   22 that   23.whose    24. of which   25. whose

26. whom    27. when   28. that    29. that     30. where

单选  KEYS:   1---10   DDBBB    ABBCA



高一英语上册同步测试题:Nelson Mandela-a modern hero

人教版高一英语上册同步练习:Unit 5


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