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高一英语上册同步测试题:Nelson Mandela-a modern hero



英语不止做为一门语言和交流工具,而是被提升到了必备技能的范畴。威廉希尔app 小编精心准备了高一英语上册同步测试题:Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,希望大家认真练习!

1. 找出下列各句中定语从句的引导词,并指出其功能

1)I still remember the days when we studied in middle school. (状语)

2)I still remember the days which we spent in the island in our holidays (宾语).

3)The factory where my father works is very big.(_________)

4)The factory which is near my home is very big.(__________)

5)The factory which we visited is very big. (___________)

6)The factory whose name is HD is very big.(__________)

2.用合适的关系代词或关系副词填空 :

1 This is the town ___________ I spent my childhood.

2 I will never forget the day __________ New China was founded.

3 The school ___________ he studies was built last year.

4 The reason __________ he didn’t come to class is that he was ill.

5 I don’t like the way ___________ he talks.

6 This was a time __________ you had got to have a passbook to live in the city.

7 The story happened on a day __________ was wet and cold.

8 The story happened on a day ___________ the weather was wet and cold.

9 The place __________ interests the children most is Disneyland.

10 The place _________ you stayed for 3 years is now turned to be a park.

11 This is one of the best novels _________ (were / was ) published last year.

12 This is the only one of the best novels _________(were / was) published last year.

13 The doctor did all _________ he could to save the patient.

14 This is the factory _________ they worked ten years ago.

15 Those are the labs _________ we visited last years.

16 It is on a Sunday afternoon _______ I met Linda.

17 He talked of the things and persons ________ he had seen abroad.

18 It was at eight o’clock ________ I got everything ready.

19 It was eight o’clock ________ I got everything ready.

20 It was in the factory ________ we saw all kinds of TV sets.

21 The hospital where he stayed for 3 days is in the center of the city.

The hospital _____ ________ he stayed for 3 days is in the centre of the city.

22 The day when I met him in Beijing was sunny.

The day ______ _________ I met him in Beijing was sunny.



1 where 2 when 3 where 4 why 5 that / in which 6 when 7 which 8 when 9 which / that 10 where 11 that were 12 that was 13 that 14 where 15 that / which 16 that 17 that 18 that 19 when 20 that 21 in which 22 on which

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