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高一英语必修1语言点同步练习:unit 4 Earthquakes




I. 介、副词填空

1. They are planning to tear _______ these old houses ________new buildings.

2. He' s new in the office but he' 11 soon shake ________.

3. I'll get in touch _________them right__________.

4. Leaders hope that serious differences on the issue among their fellows are now ________an end.

5. The houses across the street are    ________ ruins.

6. Some people died   ________ falling furniture and bricks in the earthquake.

7. You should tie the horse _________    the pole.

8. My home is far ________the train station.

9. I' ll remember what happened ________ that terrible night forever.

10. _______ the future, people can travel from Bei?jing _______ Shanghai _______a few hours.


11. The river rose ten _____________by then. (foot)

12. Look! Some people are_________   up and down the street.  (run)

13.  The earthquake was caused by the ______    of plates. (move)

14. People try to predicate the   _________disaster. (nature)

15. Human ________have the power to stop earthquake.  (be)

16. The whole city was _________destroyed in the earthquake. (complete)

17. I'm sorry to keep you    ________ so long,  (wait)

18. They carried the children to_________     . (safe)

19. The pipes for _______ water under the street burst.  (carry)

20. _________ as it may seem, it was a quiet night. (amaze)

III. 翻译短语

21. right away_________

22 at an end _________

23. dig out _________

24. give out _________

25. thousands of _________

26. 破旧的窗户 _________

27. 使……成废墟 _________

28. 最重要的方式方法 _________

29. 在黑暗的天空 _________

30. 疯狂的事情  _________



高一年级上册英语同步练习:Unit4 Earthquakes



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