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4.In European countries, ________ when you get into a house.

[  ]

A.you needn't take off your shoes

B.you must take off your dirty shoes

C.you are not allowed to wear dirty shoes

D.you should put on clean shoes



Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say the body produces two kinds of tears. One kind cleans out the eye if it gets dirt in it. But when people cry because of their feelings, these tears have poisonous chemicals in them. The body is getting rid of chemicals produced by strong feelings.

In the United States men have heart diseases more than women do. Doctors say heart diseases and some other diseases are related to the pressures(压力)of living and working in a modern society. Perhaps men suffer more from these diseases because they don't cry enough. And it is true that more and more women work outside the home, so they will also suffer from more pressures. Then they will need to cry more.

1.Chemists are trying to understand ________.

[  ]

A.how to prevent heart disease(疾病)

B.how to prevent people crying

C.why people cry

D.why men have heart diseases more than women

2.What is the pressure of a modern society doing to some people?

[  ]

A.Making them cry.

B.Making them produce chemicals.

C.Keeping them fit.

D.Giving them heart diseases.

3.Which of the following is happening now?

[  ]

A.More men than women are crying now.

B.More women are working outside their homes.

C.Heart diseases are on the rise.

D.The poison found in tears is killing more people.

4.We may conclude from the passage that ________.

[  ]

A.crying will do harm to people's health

B.man should not cry

C.women need to cry less

D.everyone will need to cry more



Two tramps were sleeping in the shade of a tree by a busy main road when a large expensive car pulled up and a man stepped out of the back, slamming the door and waking up the two tramps.

“Just look at you lying there!”the man began to say.“If you get up and look for a job, you could improve yourselves. You might even become a manager as I did. Why, by the time I was 40 I had become a director of the company and now that I am 60 I have become president of the firm(商行) and I am rich and can retire.”

One of the tramps looked at him over and answered,“And if we had done all those things, we could also retire and sit in the shade of a tree and watch rich men driving by in expensive cars.”

1.The two tramps were waken up by ________.

[  ]

A.a tree B.a car

C.a busy road D.the man

2.How did the man feel about the tramps?

[  ]

A.He felt happy for them. B.He was proud of them.

C.He took pity on them. D.He showed his love to them.

3.The man wanted the tramps to ________.

[  ]

A.have dinner with him B.become president

C.make a better life D.retire at 60

4.The two tramps ________.

[  ]

A.liked to go begging B.were very sad for their life

C.enjoyed their life D.admired the rich man

5.We can infer that ________.

[  ]

A.the two tramps would try their best to find a job and improve themselves

B.the man would give the two tramps a lot of money to spend

C.the too tramps would do as they used to

D.the man would do as the tramps did

四、完形填空: 本大题共1小题, 第35小题为15.0分; 共计15.0分。


Mrs Power had a 1 in a factory. She swept the floor. She was a very strong old 2 . She lived on the top 3 of a tall building.

One day 4 work she fell over and 5 her leg. The doctor was 6 . He put her leg in plaster(石膏).

“How long do I 7 to carry this weight around 8 me, Doctor?”asked Mrs Power.“ 9 two months.”replied the doctor. “ 10 I will come and take the plaster 11 . But till then you can not climb up 12 down stairs or do hand 13 .”

At the end of two months the doctor 14 again. “Can I climb up and down stairs now, Doctor?” asked Mrs Power.“I think 15 ,”said the doctor. “Well, I am very glad to 16 that,”said Mrs Power. “I am beginning to feel rather 17 . You said I couldn't climb up and down stairs. The only 18 way into my room was 19 the drainpipe(排水管). And that was 20 work, you know.”?


[  ]

A.work B.job

C.doctor D.home


[  ]

A.boss B.lady

C.wife D.assistant


[  ]

A.floor B.ground

C.room D.office


[  ]

A.from B.for

C.on D.at


[  ]

A.hit B.wounded

C.hurt D.broken


[  ]

A.called out B.taken

C.sent for D.asked


[  ]

A.have B.want

C.hope D.force


[  ]

A.on B.in

C.with D.about


[  ]

A.Over B.Through

C.Around D.Round


[  ]

A.And B.Then

C.So D.As


[  ]

A.down B.away

C.out D.off


[  ]

A.or B.and

C.since D.also


[  ]

A.act B.thing

C.work D.job


[  ]

A.went B.came

C.return D.got


[  ]

A.can B.not

C.it D.so


[  ]

A.see B.listen

C.hear D.find


[  ]

A.tired B.angry

C.hungry D.happy


[  ]

A.other B.another

C.one D.a


[  ]

A.through B.by

C.on D.in


[  ]

A.easy B.happy

C.hard D.terrible

五、改错题: 本大题共10小题, 从第36小题到第45小题每题1.0分 小计10.0分; 共计10.0分。

1、改错:It is the desk which leg was repaired by Tom.


2、改错:This kind of fish can grow as much as 15 feet.


3、改错:You're late again. Don't late next time.


4、改错:Tom kept quiet about the accident so not as to lose his job.


5、改错:I believe traveling in the space will be easy.


6、改错:I want to try hiking instead rafting.


7、改错:Hiking is fun and exciting experience.


8、改错:Give me the cause for rafting.


9、改错:This is the factory where I visited last year.


10、改错:I talked to a boy whom I thought was your brother.


六、翻译题: 本大题共5小题, 从第46小题到第50小题每题3.0分 小计15.0分; 共计15.0分。












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