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___103.--- Who _____ electricity ? ---- I have no idea .

A. discovered B. found C. found out D. invented

___104. I'll try to get the work ______ in a week's time .

A. do B. doing C. done D. to do

___105.The skirt cost her ____ money . What's more , the colour is ____ dark for her .

A. so much , too much B. so much , very much

C. much too , too much D. too much , much too

___106. She was _____by illness ___ the exam .

A. kept , from taking B. keeping , from taking

C. kept , taking D. keeping , taking

___107. I don't need the dictionary ____ . You can use it now .

A. at present B. at a time C. at that time D. for one time

___108. He tried everything but it made little _____ .

A. use B. good C. difference D. work

___109. The premier is _____ a tour of the flooded areas .

A. in B. on C. at D. of

___110. This book ___ the needs of beginners .

A. adapt to B. is adapted to C. adapt for D. is adapted for

___111. Long , long ago , a lot of milu deer lived ________ .

A. in the wild B. in wild C. on wild D. in the earth

___112. Professor Steve devoted his life _____ the milu deer .

A. to protect B. to protecting C. protect D. protecting

___113. Jack is quite different from his brother , they have nothing in ______ .

A. ordinary B. usual C. common D. similar

___114. They _____ strong measures against dangerous drivers .

A. gave B. made C. got D. took

___115. _____ money is spent on tobacco every year .

A. A large amount of B. A large number of C. The amount of D. The number of

___116. Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour .

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay

___117.--- Hi, Tracy , you look tired . ---I am tired . I _____ the living room all day .

A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted

___118. ---Did the Smiths live next door to you ? --- No , but they _____ .

A. used to B. used to do it C. used to be D. used

___119. I thought her nice and honest ____ I met her .

A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time

___120. How about the two of us ____ a walk down the garden ?

A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking

___121. The meeting ___ this evening is of great importance .

A. holding B. held C. to hold D. to be held

___122. In non-English ______ countries people need more practice in ____ English .

A. speaking, speaking B. spoken , spoken

C. speaking , spoken D. spoke, speaking

___123. If I have a short-wave radio , I can often ____ the BBC programmes .

A. pick out B. pick C. pick up D. pick on

___124. His parents want to make ______ .

A. him a doctor B. him to become a doctor

C. a doctor him D. a doctor from him

___125. It's the second time I _____ her this month .

A. had seen B. see C. saw D. have seen

___126. The bird ____ its wings rapidly as it flew on .

A. strike B. hit C. beat D. fright

___127. I'll _____ at the school gate after school.

A. pick you B. pick you up C. pick you out D. pick on you

___128. I've worked with children before , so I know what ____ in my new job .

A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects

___129. They play music in order to satisfy their inner _____ .

A. hoping B. idea C. suggestion D. desire

___130. This is a _____ club .

A. select B. pick C. choose D. pick up

___131. Gold is similar ______ colour ______ brass .

A. in , in B. to , to C. to , in D. in , to

___132. Suddenly a cat ran out ______ the door .

A. from B. behind C. from behind D. behind from

___133.In some parts of the world , tea _____ with milk and sugar .

A. is serving B. serves C. served D. is served

___134. We _____ leave _____ it began to rain .

A. were about to , when B. were going to , when

C. were to , while D. were to , as

___135. When you ____ a new word while reading , don't always turn to the dictionary .

A. come across B. come up C. come over D. come through

___136. This poem sounds_____ an exciting song .

A. as B. to C. like D. for

___137. I made the coat _____ my own hands . It was made ____hand , not with a machine . A. in , in B. in , with C. with , by D. with , with

___138. _____ to be no time for checking the answers before handing in the papers .

A. It seems B. There seems C. We seem D. What seems

___139. He succeeded ______ the examination .

A. in pass B. to pass C. in passing D. past

___140. ---Didn't I ask you to call me ? -- - Yes , you did . But I just couldn't_____.

A. get through B. get over C. get back D. get along

___141.You can ______ him . He is always honest .

A. believe B. believe in C. believe to be D. believe for

___142. E-mail , together with telephones , ____ an important part in the daily communication .

A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play

___143. Let Harry play with your toys as well Clare. You must learn to _____ .

A. support B. care C. spare D. share

___144. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C.whichever D. whenever

___145. He looks _____ he had seen a ghost .

A. as if B. as C. if D. whether

___146. I'm sure that ____ won't be long ____ we find out the true .

A. it ,until B. we , before C. we , until D. it , before

___147. _____ is known to everyone , the moon travels round the earth once every month . A. It B. As C. That D. What

___148. The doctor , ____ they called in , did all he could _____ the boy .

A. who , save B. whom , save C. who , saving D. whom , to save

___149. I asked her to go with me , but she wouldn't ______ .

A. allow B. accept C. agree D. permit

___150.Is that the TV set you want to _____ ?

A. repair it B. have repaired it C. have it repaired D. have repaired

___151. Henry wants to buy a dictionary , ____ he can look up everything in .

A. the one B. one C. that one D. the one which ___152 While reading a book , _____ .

A. the girl came in B. my mother was cooking

C. I heard a knock on the door D. the doorbell rang

___153 ---Could I stay there a little longer ? ---- ________ .

A. I'm afraid so B. I don't think so

C. Better not D. I'm sorry , but you won't

___154 The report , ___ with date and name , is very important .

A. to mark B. marking C. marked D. being marked

___155 _____ makes no difference whether our team will win the game or not .

A. That B. Which C. It D. This

___156--- What do you think of my suggestion ?

---Sorry . What's that ? I_____ about something else .

A. thought B. am thinking C. was thinking D. had thought

___157 ---Where is my blue shirt ?

--- It's in the washing machine . You have to wear ___ different one .

A. any B. the C. other D. a

___158 He didn't mind his song ____ without pay .

A. singing B. to sing C. being sung D. to be sung

___159 A new cinema _____ here . They hope to finish it next month .

A. will be built B. is built C . has been built D. is being built

___160 Don't read such books _____ you can't understand .

A. that B. as C. which D. what

___161 The present that he gave me was ____ toy bear that I like it very much .

A. so lovely a B. so a lovely C. such lovely a D. such lovely










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