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1. Liu Hulan was very brave. She preferred to die        give in.

A. other than         B. more than         C. rather than           D. better than

2. --- I prefer studying English at home        the match.

A. to watching        B. to watch         C. than watching       D. rather than watching

3. Ever since they        to each other.

A. haven’t written        B. hadn’t written         C. didn’t write          D. don’t write

4. Little Cathy always has a dream        one day she will become a singing star.

A. what         B. which          C. that         D. of

5. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people____to eat more fruit and vegetables.

A. persuade         B. will persuade       C. be persuaded          D. are persuaded

6. More and more young people are fond        playing tennis nowadays.

A. on           B. to            C. in             D. of

7. I noticed the puzzled look on his face, I realized that he didn’t understand me.

A. Although          B. When         C. Unless          D. Until

8. I insisted that a doctor        immediately.

A. has been sent for       B. sends for         C. will be sent for          D. be sent for

9. The man insisted        a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.

A. find         B. to find         C. on finding          D. in finding

10.       seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter college or university.

A. It         B. Which          C. What         D. That

11. These soldiers never        to any trouble that happened during their rescue after the earthquake.

A. gave in             B. gave up          C. gave off           D. gave out

12. It is always the husband who        first when a quarrel breaks out between the young people.

A. gives away         B. gives out          C. gives in          D. gives off

13. Recently a survey        prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.

A. compared           B. comparing          C. compares         D. being compared

14. “You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted,        away.

A. run         B. running          C. to run           D. ran

15. The players        from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game.

A. selecting               B. to select          C. selected            D. having selected

16. If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him        during the day.

A. away            B. up           C. in            D. back

17. It is the letter that I got, not what you’ve told me,       makes me sad.

A. which             B. what            C. that             D. when

18. --- Excuse me, sir. I        that I want the light yellow bag instead of the green one.   --- As you like. Here you are.

A. make up mind     B. keep it in my mind    C. change my mind       D. bring to mind

19. Don’t let yourself be        into buying things you don’t want.

A. expressed           B. organized           C. persuaded          D. preferred

20. She still remembers Beijing University        she graduated five years ago.

A. from where           B. from which          C. which            D. /

21. There are        many people in        a small room that it is crowded now.

A. such; so          B. so; such           C. such; such          D. too; so

22. I sent away the children        the house might be quiet, because they were too noisy.

A. even if        B. because        C. as          D. so that

23. The wind increased so much that they had to        their tent.

A. put on         B. put out       C. put away       D. put up


1. 我们怎么能说服他们接受我们的观点呢?

How can we                      accepting our views? 2. 昨天他们坚决要我留下来吃晚饭。

They                      staying there for supper yesterday.

3. 有些学生坚决主张开个聚会,但其他人坚持说他们对此不感兴趣。

Some students               they        a party but others insisted that they        no interest in it.

4. 他好像喜欢那个主意。

He                      the idea.

5. The teacher came into the lab,        (follow) some students.(用所给词的适当形式填空) 6. 不管她说什么,我都不会相信她。

she says, I won’t believe her. 7. 他跑得如此之快,没有人能赶得上他。

He runs                      nobody can catch up with him. 8. 这部电影那么有趣,我们大多数人都已经看过两遍。

It is                                    most of us have seen it twice. 9. To learn a foreign language is important for your future work.

→       is important for your future work               a foreign language. 10. 为了赶上早班车,乔昨天早上5点就起床了。

, Joe got up at 5:00 yesterday morning. 用put相关短语的适当形式填空

11. The firefighters tried to               the fire. 12. We have to               his bad temper.

13. The flight was               because of the heavy fog.

14. He               his hand to catch the teacher’s attention just now. 15. The writer              a book about the escaped prisoner.

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