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课后巩固非常重要,以下是威廉希尔app 为您整理的高一英语必修一第四单元随堂练习。希望可以帮助到你!

I. 单词拼写(注意使用单词的正确形式)

1. We set up a monument in memory of the people killed in the ____________(地震).

2. There were ____________ (数以百万)of people there.

3. A large number of churches fell into ____________ (毁坏)after the revolution.

4. We are studying under ____________ (极大)pressure at the moment.

5. Three people were killed and five ____________ (受伤)in the crash.

6. Before leaving, they ____________ (破坏)all the evidence.

7. He knew it was ____________ (无用)to protest.

8. They were eventually ____________ (营救)by helicopter.

9. We were all ____________ (震惊)at the news of his death.

10. Don’t turn on the lights at day. It’s a waste of ____________(电).

II. 定语从句考察。

1. The school was moved out of the downtown as the number of students had grown too ___________.

A. small B. few C. large D. many

2. Some parents are just too protective. They want to __________ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.

A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish.

3. While _____________ along the street, I met an old friend of mine.

A. I walking B. was walking C. I am walking D. walking.

4. People around me all looked at me in surprise _____________ I were from another planet.

A. even if B. if C. as though D. even though

5. I am sorry to say that our food is almost ____________. We cannot survive if there is no one to help us.

A. by the end B. at the end C. in the end D. at an end.

高一英语必修一第四单元随堂练习就为大家提供这些,更多内容请关注威廉希尔app !





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