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不同词的不同形式的考查也是近年来考试的一大热点,威廉希尔app 为大家带来了高一英语选词填空,具体请看以下内容。


attitude camp afterthought record insist Transport determine source journey cycle

ever since ; give in ; be fond of ; care about; as usual ; have fun; put up;

be familiar to; dream of; persuade sb. to do ; more and more interested ; take ;

know about ; in my opinion ; an interesting experience

11.This city ___________________me, because this is the first time I have been here.

12.We are all busy. Some ________________the tents; others are making a fire.

13.I tired to ______________ give up the foolish idea, but he wouldn’t listen to me.

14.One can’t work all the time ,surely; one has to _________________.

15.Finally he got the job he ________________.

16.Do you think the president will ________________ to the terrorists ’ demand?

17.He hasn’t turned up _________________I asked him for the money he owes me.

18.Tom as well as his parents _______________football.

19.I don’t ______________ clothing.

20.He came late ________________.

21.Tourists are becoming ________________in going climbing and boating.

22.___________________,it was an honor to help you.

23.It’s useful for you ______________the map when you travel.

24.People travel to visit places of interest, and ____________ different cultures and customs.

25.Riding a camel is ______________________________.

高一英语选词填空就为大家介绍到这里。更多内容请关注威廉希尔app !





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