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1.We always travel by public ______________.

2.He gave the taxi ____________ to the driver before he got off.

3.When you go on a journey ,you’d better keep a travel ________________.

4.Father is thankful to me for ______________ him to give up smoking .

5.We are flying at an ____________ of 20,000 feet.

6.Some people have a wrong ________________ towards the disables.

7.Dose environment ______________ one’s character?

8.Let’s remember the _____________ actions of the heroes.

9.He is so ____________ that no one can persuade him to do anything .

10. Where does the Mekong River have its ________________.

11.Here is a photograph of our village. Our village is in a ___________________

12.She ___________ down to tie her shoe laces.

13.He said that he _____________ English to maths.

14.They were ________________to face up to the difficulties.

15.The water is ______________.Would you turn off the stove?

16.The river _______________ into the sea.

17.Has he made the exam ________________?

18._____________the man jumped down to safety.

19.His grandfather is so _______________that he never follows other people’s advice.

20.I hope you can deal with the matter _______________;if not, troubles will appear.

21.Our teacher _____________that we turn in the papers after class.

22.My classmates all take an active part in the useful activities ______________by our school.

23.She tied up the ______________(包裹)with string.

24.Do you have ________________ on your household contents?

25.Bad weather had been ________________for the day of the race.

26.She may forget; she’s not very ________________.

27.We’d like to find out young people’s ____________on travelling.

28.Paula used her book as a ________________.

29.______________poured out of the windows of the building.

30.The dolphins disappeared ________________ the waves.

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高一英语必修一Unit1 Friendship知识点总结  


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