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41. It was ________late in the evening that they finished the experiment.

A. before B. after C. till D. not until

42. ________late in the evening ________the experiment.

A. until; they finished  B. until; did they finish

C. Not until; they finished  D. Not until; did they finish

43. Is ________necessary to tell his father everything?

A. it B. that C. what D. he

44. ________afraid ________will be windy tomorrow.

A. I’m; the weather B. I’m; it C. It’s; the weather D. It’s; it

45. ________turn is ________to clean the bedroom?

A. Which; it B. Whose; it C. Which; that D. Whose; that

46. it is ________to see you.

A. pleased B. glad C. delighted D. pleasant

47. I found ________to refuse her offer.

A. it is impossible B. he was impossible C. it impossible for him D. he is impossible

48. I think ________great honor to have a talk with you.

A. of it B. of it a  C. it D. it a

49. It is foolish ________him ________take her advice.

A. of; not to B. of; not C. for; not to D. for; not

50. It’s important ________the factory to make the waste water clean.

A. of b. with C. for D. to

51. It was ________that the ten-year-old boy was able to use the computer.

A. in surprise B. surprising C. surprise D. surprised

52. Don’t ________for granted that he will keep his promise.

A. take that B. take it C. make that D. make it

53. ________to have paid off his debts.

A. it was said B. he was said C. It was said for him D. He said

54. It ________that the emperor had nothing on.

A. was heard B. was told C. told D. was whispered

55. ________that he was thinking about the matter.

A. It seemed B. he seemed C. it was seeming D. He was seeming

56. It doesn’t make too much ________you will be back tonight.

A. matter if B. difference if C. matter whether D. difference whether

57. He ________to do morning exercises in the park.

A. took a rule B. made a rule C. took it a rule D. made it a rule

58. He soon ________why he had done it.

A. explained us B. told C. made it clear D. said it clear

59. It’s no ________quarrelling ________him any longer.

A. goodness; to B. goodness; with C. good; to D. good; with

60. — Was that the new comer who walked by?

— ________.

A. It must be that B. It must have been C. He must be D. This must have been

1—10. AABBB  DACCD  11—20. CBBDC  CCADA  21—30. CCDBA  BACCD  31—40. CCCDC  BBCCB  41—50. DDABB  DCDAC  51—60. BBBDA  DDCDB

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