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31. It was thoughtful ________us the map of the city.

A. of you to send B. for you to send C. of you sending D. for you sending

32. You are fortunate ________as a member of the club.

A. being accepted B. to accept   C. To have accepted  D. to have been accepted

33. ________wasn’t pleasant ________up so early.

A. He; to wake B. He; to be waken C. It; of him to wake D. It; to be woken

34. I find these problems are easy________.

A. to work out B. to be worked out C. in working out  D. to be worked them out

35. How rude ________him ________a child like that.

A. of; to treat B. for; to treat C. of; is to treat D. for; is to treat

36. It was stupid ________him ________attend the lecture.

A. of; to not B. of; not to C. for; to not D. for; not to

37. It was impossible ________lost time to ________.

A. for; make up B. of; make up C. for; be made up D. of; be made up

38. The shoes are too large ________.

A. to me to wear B. for me to wear C. to me to be worn D. for me to be worn

39. ________was sorry________ made such a silly mistake.

A. It; to have B. It; having C. I ; to have D. I; having

40. I’ll be delighted ________.

A. when I’ll see you again B. to see you again

C. that I see you again  D. to have seen you again

41. He was ________tired ________any further.

A. too; walking B. too; to walk C. so; walking D. so; to walk

42. Will you be ________kind ________make tea for me?

A. so; to B. fairly; to C. so; as to D. fairly; as to

43. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to ________.

A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on

44. I ________how to answer the question.

A. puzzle B. am puzzling C. have puzzled D. am puzzled

45. Have you decided ________the party?

A. whether you hold B. why to hold C. whether to hold D. if to hold

46. He doesn’t know ________to stay or not.

A. if B. either C. neither D. whether he ought

47. Last summer I took a course on ________.

A. how to make dresses  B. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made

48. He hesitated ________ the medicine.

A. taking B. about to take C. whether he take D. whether to take

49. How do the birds know exactly ________ direction ________?

A. which, flying B. which; to fly to C. in which; to fly D. X; flying to

50. — I don’t know ________with the problem.

— Why not ________your teacher for advise?

A. what to do; to ask B. how to do; to ask C. what to do; ask D. how to do; ask

51. I think he should get a job, but you can’t force him ________ if he’s not ready ________.

A. to get; to B. to get; X C. to; X D; to; to do

52. — Would you like to go to the ball?

— Yes, ________.

A. I’d B. I’d like C. I’d like to D. I’d like to go

53. — Aren’t you in charge of this?

— No, and I ________.

A. don’t want B. don’t want to C. don’t want to be D am not

54. ________the truth, I don’t want to go.

A. To tell B. Tell C. Telling D. In order to tell

55. I’d rather read something at home than ________to the park in such weather.

A. go B. to go C. going D. went

56. We could do nothing but ________Father for help.

A. ask B. asking C. to ask D. asked

57. He wanted nothing but ________in the corner.

A. seat B. be seated C. be seat D. to be seated

58. It ________about two years________ such a big dam.

A. takes; in building B. takes; to build C. needs; in building D. needs; to build

59. How much did ________cost ________the house?

A. it; in rebuilding B. he; in rebuilding C. it; to rebuild D. he; to rebuild

60. ________requires patience ________a good nurse.

A. She; to be B. she; if she is C. It; to be D. It; if she is

1—10. AADAC  AABCD  11—20. BACBB  DCDBC  21—30. DBABB  DBBDB  31—40. ADDAA  BCBCB  41—50. BCBDC  DADCC  51—60. CCCAA  ADBCC

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