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I always got a flower on my suit on Sunday service, I really didn’t think much of it.

One Sunday a little boy    1   me when I was leaving. He walked right up to me and said, “What are you going to   2   with your flower?” At first I did not know   3   he was talking about, but then I understood.

I said, “Do you mean this?” as I pointed to the rose  4  to my coat.

He said, “Yes sir. I would use it    5   you are just going to throw it away.” At this point I  6  and gladly told him that he could have my flower, casually (顺便)   7   him what he was going to do with it. The little boy said, “Sir, I am going to    8   it to my granny. My mother and father got divorced two years ago, my grandmother    9    me and so I want to give that   10   flower to her.”

When he finished I could   11  speak. And my eyes were filled with tears and I knew I had been   12  in the depth of my soul. I   13  up and unpinned my flower. With the flower in my    14 , I looked at the boy and said, “Son you  15  have this flower because it’s not enough. If you   16    in front of the pulpit (教堂讲坛), you’ll see a big bouquet (束) of flowers. Please take those   17   to your granny because she deserves (应得) the very   18 .”

The boy 19   one last statement. He said, “What a    20   day! I asked for one flower but got a beautiful bouquet. I’ll always cherish (珍惜) it.”

1. A. surrounded(围绕)  B. appreciated(欣赏,感激)  C. approached    D. walked

2 A. do         B. change         C. talk         D. share

3. A. why         B. who        C. how         D. what

4. A. tied       B. pinned            C. aimed        D. stuck

5. A. though      B. unless          C. if             D. until

6. A. smiled         B. shouted         C. cried        D. jumped

7. A. telling        B. asking          C. testing        D. examining

8 A. give        B. fetch           C. pay         D. have

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习,掌握复习规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了14年高一同步英语必修练习,供大家参考。更多相关内容请点击进入高一英语同步练习栏目。


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