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1. —— Do you know anyone in Paris? —— No. I’ll make friends once _____. A. I’m settled     B. I have settled   C. I’ll be settled   D. I’m settling

12. Facing the emergency, we were at a loss and none of us could _____ a solution to the problem.

A. come about    B. come out      C. come up       D. come up with

3. His command was that we _____ immediately.

A. started off      B. had started off  C. start off       D. would start off

4. ——What do you think of the Chinese language today?

——Quite popular. It _____communicating with other countries. More and more foreign friends are learning Chinese now.

A. is based on                    B. gets along well with

C. plays an important role in        D. is made use of

5. —— Why did the teacher get angry? —— _____ what we had done the day before.  A. For     B. Because    C. As      D. Because of

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