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1.----- -- I didn’t pass the English exam last week .

-------- oh, you didn’t listen to your teacher and you _______ hard at your lessons.

A. should study  B. should have studied   C. shouldn’t have studied   D. must have studied

2.Some students have trouble _____ maths while others have great difficulty _____ English words.

A. in  , learn    B. for  , learn     C. on  , remembering     D. with  , remembering

3.Many questions ______ at the meeting , but none has been settled by far.

A. came up     B. was raised      C. came up with        D. was asked

4. Is it on September 1st _____ students come back to school every year ?

A. when        B. that         C. which         D. who

5. I hear a number of workers in the factory _____ out of work and the number of them  ______ quite large .

A.  are , is     B. is , are      C. is , is          D. are, are

6.Some students found _____ hard ro study English well .    A. this     B. it      C. that     D. which

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习,掌握复习规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了2014年高一同步英语必修练习题,供大家参考。更多相关内容请点击进入高一英语同步练习栏目。


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