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完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Teach Me in the way To Go

I grew up in a very poor Catholic family. My father used some  36  ways to teach us and rarely spared us from the school of hard lessons. This is the one I  37  most.

On the first day of 2nd grade, my father asked me if I could  38  well. “Yes, I can,” I said. So he gave me a hand-drawn  39  with street names and directions on how to walk to school. School is 3 miles away, and I had never been off my home street by myself, ever.

The  40  he gave me as he sends me the map with my lunch box and jacket said very little, he  41  says, “Everything you need to know is written on the map, read the map and 42  the directions.”

Okay, by now I was standing in  43  at his request, scared to death, but he kissed me goodbye and sent me out the door. And  44  I went to school, crying, but  45   .

I don’t know how long it took for me to get there, or how many fearful and anxious  46  I had, but I do remember forever  47  it felt when I came around the last corner, and saw my school. The  48   , the laughter, the joy. I had made it! I jumped  49  and angry as I was with my Dad, I wished I could tell him  50  that I had done it.

He wasn’t there when I got home and I was  51  when he got home. The next day I waited for him to ask what had happened. He never did. We laughed and talked and our  52  began.

Years later I finally got the  53  to ask him why he did that and why he hadn’t cared about what had happened. He just looked at me for a few minutes then said, “I didn’t have to ask you, I knew. I followed you the whole way in the car,  54  far enough back so you could not see me. I saw you jump up and down at the last street corner. I  55  what you felt.”

Then I understood and I cried.

Thanks. Dad.

36. A. usual   B. unusual  C. formal    D. informal

37. A. hate   B. prefer   C. value    D. make

38. A. remember  B. write   C. walk    D. read

39. A. paper   B. note   C. map    D. script

40. A. look   B. gesture  C. sign    D. meaning

41. A. gently   B. possibly  C. simply    D. coldly

42. A. follow   B. catch   C. check    D. keep

43. A. puzzle   B. amazement  C. disappointment  D. disbelief

44. A. off    B. on    C. as     D. for

45. A. smiling   B. jumping  C. running   D. walking

46. A. difficulties  B. courses  C. moments   D. strangers

47. A. what   B. when   C. how    D. why

48. A. surprise   B. relief   C. hope    D. dream

49. A. up and down  B. back and forth  C. left and right  D. in and out

50. A. right then   B. just now   C. until now   D. then again

51. A. awake   B. afraid    C. alone    D. asleep

52. A. day    B. week    C. month    D. year

53. A. chance   B. courage   C. intention   D. desire

54. A. only    B. too    C. so    D. but

55. A. enjoyed   B. felt    C. learned   D. doubted

威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了14年英语高一必修同步训练,希望对大家有所帮助。


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