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21. Do you think it is _____good manners to hear others’ conversations in _______curious manner?

A. the;a      B. /;/              C. /;a               D. the;the

22. While watching Titanic, most people couldn’t help crying when it came to the scene________ Jack saves the girl’s life but dies in icy water himself.

A. which       B. as               C. why       D. where

23. The sentence the little boy made________ everybody present.

A. did puzzle   B. to puzzle         C. puzzling    D. puzzle

24. —I believe you like the job.

—________, I am tired of it.

A. On the contrary  B. On contrary       C. On the other hand  D. On other hand

25. Excuse me, would you please tell me ________?

A. when the sports meeting is taken place

B. when is the sports meeting going to be held

C. when is the sports meeting to begin

D. when the sports meeting is to take place

26. At yesterday’s meeting lots of questions was__________.

A. came up with           B. brought up             C. gone up             D. broken up

27. —I sent him the dictionary by mail this morning.

—You ______ that, for he’s coming tomorrow morning.

A. needn’t have done    B. didn’t have to do    C. needn’t do          D. mustn’t do

28. She ___ at the page for several minutes, trying to understand.

A. glared               B. stared            C. saw               D. watched

29. It worried him a lot___he was falling far behind the others in English.

A. what              B. whether   C. that    D. why

30. I had finished my homework and________ watch the Olympics when the power was cut off.

A. was going to        B. was about to     C. was to     D. would

31. Both his parents died in a traffic accident when he was a baby, so he was ______by his grandma.

A. brought about        B. brought up     C. brought in         D. brought down

32. With ______little schooling, he couldn’t teach_____ little children.

A. such; so                                 B. so; such

C. such; such                                D. so; so

33. You shouldn’t have the machines _____all the while; you ought to have them _____now and then.

A run; repair                               B. running; repairing

C. run; repaired                         D. running; repaired

34. ___________, I think we can win the game.

A. Honest speaking                         B. To be honest

C. Honestly spoken                      D. To be honestly

35. It is reported that the United States uses________ energy as the whole of Europe.

A. as twice                        B. twice much

C. twice much as                          D. twice as much

威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了14高一必修英语同步训练题,希望对大家有所帮助。


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