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11. Smoking, which may be _______ fun for some people, can do ______harm to our health.

A. / ,  /            B. a, a    C. a ,  /          D. /,  the

12. —__________are you going to__________ it?    — Keep it, of course.

A. What , deal with     B. How, deal with    C. How, do with        D. What, use

13. —Look! Everything here is under construction.

—What’s the pretty small house that ________for?

A. is being built   B. having been built  C. is built          D. is building

14. ______ the earthquake, a lot of people in Sichuan lost their homes, becoming homeless.

A. As a result     B. Result from      C. Because          D. As a result of

15. We mustn’t waste anything. ________ you shouldn’t waste time.

A. In all             B. At all    C. Above all        D. After all

16. I don’t doubt that Amy is the lady, ______ the gold ring belongs.

A. to which    B. to whom   C. to whose     D.to her

17. We ________ walk in the moonlight, talking about_______ we were interested in.

A. used to; all what         B. were used to; all that C. used to; what       D. were used to; what

18. Will you _______ my clothes while I have a swim?

A. watch out   B. on watch        C. watch over   D. look out

19. Please remove your bike. I’m afraid it is__________.

A.in a way          B. in the way        C. on the way         D. by the way

20. — The room is so dirty. ________ we clean it?  — Of course.

A. Will     B. Do    C. Would        D. Shall

21. Tom suggested that we____ a meeting, but Jenny’s eyes suggested that it______ important.

A. not hold, should be  B. didn’t hold, be   C. hold ,was         D. not hold , was

22. The windows __________ up to now, and you need not wash again.

A. is washed         B. were washed     C. have been washed  D. will be washed

23. We’ll get there on time if the car doesn’t____________.

A. break out         B. break up      C. break down    D. break into

24. China has many rivers, ________ the Changjiang River is the longest.

A. which            B. whose        C. among which   D. one of which

25. Li Ming speaks English very well________ he were an English boy.

A. so that    B. even though  C. now that   D. as though

26. The day everyone had been looking forward to ________ at last.

A. coming      B. came            C. has come        D. will come

27. He promised to come, but hasn’t _________ yet.

A. turned up        B. turned down      C. turned out       D. turned on

28. The bag ______ a lot of books, ______ some English books and history books.

A. contains; included  B. contains; including  C. includes; contained  D. includes; containing

29. Jack, you ______ play with the knife; you ______ hurt yourself.

A. won’t; can’t     B. mustn’t; may       C. shouldn’t; must     D. can’t; should

30. ____, his works are worth reading.

A. Personally   B. Totally     C. Specially   D. Friendly

31. The government tried its best to _____ the people’s needs, but the people were still not______. In fact, what the government did was not______.

A. satisfy; satisfied; satisfying     B. satisfy; satisfying; satisfied

C. satisfied; satisfied; satisfying       D. satisfying; satisfied; satisfied

32. Washington, a state in the United States, was named ____ one of the greatest American presidents.

A. in honor of       B. in search of         C. in favor of     D. in charge of

33. The manager meant _____ the workers that being late for 5 times meant ______ the company.

A.to tell, to leave   B. telling, leaving      C. to tell, leaving     D. telling, to leave

34. ____ in her best clothes, the girl tried to make herself ______ at the party.

A. Dressed; noticed    B. Dressing; to be noticedC. Get dressed; noticed D. Dressing; noticing

35. Being a teacher for many years, he has learned a (an) ______ to remember students’ names.

A. custom           B. thought         C. idea             D. trick

36. It’s difficult to win a championship, but more difficult to __________ it.

A. catch            B. gain           C. defend           D. remain

37. Wait till you are more _________. It’s better to be sure than sorry.

A. confident        B. satisfied          C. calm           D. certain

38. The headmaster __________ Wang Hong __________ for his determination and the great progress he made.

A. rewarded; award  B. shared; a prize   C. awarded; a prize  D. honored; a reward

39. She programs possible moves that I can use if a new situation __________.

A. lifts    B. raises     C. rises    D. arises

40. —Have you had a chance to wear your new shirt yet?

—______. I’ve been planning to exchange it for a larger size.

A. It’s up to you.      B. That reminds me.  C. I forget that.      D. That depends

威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了2014年高一必修英语同步训练题,希望对大家有所帮助。


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