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1.      (vi.)逃脱;逃走;泄露

2.      (n.)报酬;奖金(vt.)酬劳;奖赏

3.      (n.)意见;看法;主张

4.      (vt.)教育;训练→      (adj.)受过教育的→      (n.)教育

5.       (vi.)请求;乞求→      (n.)乞丐

6.      (n.)恐怖;可怕的人→      (adj.)可怕的→      (vt.)使恐怖

7.      (n.)残忍;残酷→      (adj.)残忍的

8.      (vt.)判决;宣判→      (n.)句子

答案:1.escape 2.reward 3.op inion 4.educate;educated;education 5.beg;beggar 6.terror;terrible;terrify

7.cruelty;cruel 8.sentence;sentence


1.     heart      丧失勇气或信心

2.escape      逃离;逃脱

3.come    power  当权;上台

4.set       设立;建立

5.be sentenced    ...  被判处……(徒刑)

6.    one’s opinion  从某人的观点来看;


答案:1.lose 2.from 3.to 4.up 5.to 6.in


1.It was a prison       no one escaped.


答案:from which

2.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we           .


答案:should have been asleep

3.He said they should not be            for their degrees.


答案:stopped from studying

4.They were not cleverer than me,but they      their exams.So I knew I could get a degree too.


答案:did pass

5.I felt bad       _ I talked to a group.


答案:the first time


1.Since she was better     (教育),she got a job working in an office.


2.He was      (判刑)to ten years in prison.


3.He gave the children some candies to      (奖励)them for behaving well.


4.It is time to stop his     (残忍)to the animals.


5.He couldn’t decide any important things.He asked his wife’s o     on every important decision.



1.Not knowing its meaning,I had to         (求助于)the dictionary.

答案:turn to

2.The economic crisis has made many people              (失业).

答案:out of work

3.Mr.Black had failed many times in this experiment,but he did not         (丧失信心).

答案:lose heart

4.Some poor people walked from village to village and         (乞讨)food.

答案:begged for

5.Do as you’re told,otherwise you’ll be         (遇到麻烦).

答案:in trouble

6.The murderer will                   (判处死刑)for killing a few young girls.

答案:be sentenced to death

7.After the new president              (上台),he made a wonderful speech.

答案:came to power

8.It is said that a new factory will be         (建立)in my hometown.

答案:set up


1.The mom who attacked and hurt 29 children and three teachers at the nursery school in Taixing city was    to death.

A.made        B.caused

C.killed   D.sentenced

解析:选D。be sentenced to被判处……(徒刑)。

2.—What is the rich peasant’s plan? www.

—He has made up his mind to    a home for the elderly in his village.

A.turn up   B.put up

C.set up   D.make up

解析:选C。set up设立,创立。turn up出现,调大(声音);put up建造,张贴;make up编造,化妆。

3.    number of people are out of    work,which the local government shouldn’t ignore.

A.The;a   B.A;the

C.The;/   D.A;/

解析:选D。根据are可知第一个空应用a number of(许多);根据词组out of work(失业)可判断第二个空不用冠词。

4.Mr.Black decided to give up his farm and devoted all his time to    those homeless children.

A.help   B.helping

C.be helping   D.being helped


5.Anne felt nervous    she gave a speech in front of so many students.

A.for the first time   B.the first time

C.at the first time   D.the first time that

解析:选B。the first time相当于连词,引导时间状语从句,通常意为“第一次……”。for the first time只作状语,不能用来引导状语从句。

6.The young girl was offered a f ree trip to the World Expo 2010 as a     for her great achievement.

A.reward   B.result

C.chance   D.pay

解析:选A。as a reward for意为“作为……的奖赏”,符合句意。result结果;chance机会;pay工资。

7.—I’m too tired.I want to give up.

—If you don’t    ,you’ll win in the end.

A.calm down   B.lose heart

C.take care   D.cheer up

解析:选B。lose heart丧失勇气和信心,符合句意“别泄气,你最终会胜利的”。calm down镇定下来;take care小心,当心;cheer up振作起来。

8.—Jimmy,why do you insist on buying a blue coat?In my opini on,the black one is much better.

—But,that’s my favorite.I    like it.

A.did   B.could

C.do   D.would

解析:选C。do本身并没有意思,在此起强调作用。在这种用法下它只有现在时(do,d oes)和过去时(did)。句意为“我的确喜欢(这个颜色)”。

9.In my    ,no medicine is effective for him.Let him pass his last days quietly.

A.idea   B.opinion

C.voice   D.thought

解析:选B。句意:在我看来,药物对他已经不起作用了,就让他平静地过完最后的日子吧。in my opinion“在我看来”,为固定搭配。A和D项都不是正确搭配;in my voice“以我的名义”。

10.Only    people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist.

A.devoted   B.generous

C.educated   D.reliable



Rickshaw pullers(人力车夫)are some of the poorest people in our city and they work extremely hard.

Recently I suffered a(n) 1 injury and had to use a rickshaw puller to take me to the hospital every 2 .I also had to use these trips to get all the stuff (物品)I 3 like medicines,milk,fruit,etc. 4 I couldn’t walk too much.Every  day on the way back home,I would 5 the rickshaw puller to stop by the 6 to get me the things I needed.

Each day,it would be a 7 rickshaw puller and at first I was worried that they would not 8 to stop or they might ask me for more money for this.However,they 9 me whole?heartedly;without any 10 of the time,effort or money,the rickshaw pullers would 11  set off to get the stuff for me.Often they weren’t exactly 12 about what to get so they would come back to me for clarification (说明).Sometimes they would 13 different kinds of stuff with them to show me so I could select 14 and then they would go back to the shop to buy it.They would take care to make  sure I got whatever I needed at the right price.They would try t o 15  the rickshaws as close to my 16 as possible,so I would have to walk as little as possible to get into my house.One of them didn’t even take any extra(额外的) 17 for the time or efforts to help me when I 18 it at the end of the trip.

I was so 19 these rickshaw pullers for offering me not only help but care and concern in a genuine (真诚的)way,as if I were their 20 .

【解题导语】 在最近与一些人力车夫打交道的过程中,“我”发现虽然他们的收入很微薄,但他们的服务态度及助人为乐的精神却让人很感动。

1.A.ear         B.knee

C.eye   D.hand

解析:选B。从下文had to use a rickshaw puller及I couldn’t walk too much可推测,“我”是膝盖受伤,走路有困难。

2.A.hour   B.week

C.day   D.month

解析:选C。这是“我”每天(day)都要做的事。下文Every day,Each day都有提示。

3.A.bought   B.sold

C.expected   D.needed

解析:选D。medicines,milk,fruit都是“我”每天所需要的(needed)生活用品。6空后的I needed是提示。

4.A.as   B.when

C.if   D.but


5.A.command   B.tell

C.ask   D.suggest

解析:选C。下段第一句提到“我”一开始担心人力车夫不愿意半路停下来,所以“我”应该是请求他们在市场附近停下来。ask for表示“请求,要求”,符合语境。故答案选C项。

6.A.station   B.hospital

C.market   D.office


7.A.tall   B.young

C.different   D.special


8.A.prefer   B.agree

C.decide   D.pretend


9.A.helped   B.protected

C.recognized   D.understood

解析:选A。从下文车夫的所作所为可以推断,他们是在全心全意地帮助( help)“我”。

10.A.writing   B.request

C.order   D.discussion


11.A.slowly   B.immediately

C.calmly   D.carefully


12.A.concerned   B.worried

C.excited   D.clear


13 .A.collect   B.introduce

C.bring   D.borrow


14.A.everything   B.something

C.nothing   D.anything


15.A.stop   B.carry

C.transport   D.pack


16.A.bed   B.car

C.farm   D.door


17.A.money   B.advice

C.prize   D.praise


18.A.offered   B.showed

C.explained   D.returned


19.A.disappointed with   B.thankful to

C.afraid of   D.doubtful about

解析:选B。车夫如此帮助“我”,“我”对他们很是感激(thankful to)。

20.A.neighbor   B.workmate

C.boss   D.family



Every child should have a solid science education whether they want to be the next Albert Einstein or Michael Jordan.Science is all around us,it is everywhere,reaching everything that we do.The “we” in that last statement includes children.Children that understand how science plays a role in our everyday lives have a wonderful foundation (基础) for success in life.

Children can learn science at any age really.The earlier they start the better.The best way for kids to learn is through play and repetition.There are wonderful science toys for preschool science activities.With play being the best way kids learn,it only makes sense then to introduce toys to them that encourage understanding science.Children love to use their imagination to have fun and to help them understand the world around them.So play is a wonderful time to be introducing science to them.Think of the games that we used to play:Don’t Spill the Beans,Don’t Break the Ice,the Telephone Game,Lincolon Logs,each of these games has science  behind it.

Children are by nature curious (好奇的)as they feel out the world,trying to make sense of what is around them.Science feeds that curiosity that they have.It  is a hunger that needs to be encouraged and satisfied.Finding these toys is not as hard as one would think.To make sure that you get good quality toys,visit science toy shops online.These are the best places to find unique (独特的)science toys such as 3?D space projectors,or Hydro Greenhouses.

Help your children appreciate the world around them by understanding the world around them.This way,they understand how we are all connected together.Children will not only question the world,but be able to come up with answers to those questions on their own.Science is life.

【解题导语】 不管将来是否从事科学研究,每一个孩子都需要接受科学教育,不仅仅因为科学和我们的日常生活密切相关,而且学习科学会为他们未来的成功奠定基础。

1.Children should have a good  science education because    .

A.they want to be famous scientists in the world

B.it can help them to make a large amount of money

C.it plays a decisive role in their daily lives

D.it is helpful to their success in the future

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Children that understand how science plays a role in our everyday lives have a wonderful foundation for success in life,可知,学习科学知识会为他们一生的成功奠定坚实的基础。

2.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?

A.Science is hardly connected with our daily lives.

B.Children learn science best through playing.

C.Children learn science using their hands.

D.Parents should encourage their children to study hard.

解析:选B。细节判断题。根据第二段中的The best way for kids to learn is through play and repetition和With play being the best way kids learn,...可知,教孩子科学知识最好的方法是让孩子 在玩耍中学习。

3.Don’t Spill the Beans,Don’t Break the Ice,the Telephone Game and Lincoln Logs are the games    .

A.that are the most widely played

B.that can introduce science to children

C.that most students like to play at school

D.that keep children strong and healthy

解析:选B。细节理解题。根 据第二段最后的Think of the games that we used to play:Don’t Spill the Beans,Don’t Break the Ice,the Telephone Game,Lincolon Logs,each of these games has science behind it可知,这些游戏都有科学的成分,能教给孩子们科学知识。

4.The text is most probably written for    .

A.parents        B.scientists

C.children   D.teachers

解析: 选A。写作对象题。该文讲述了孩子接受科学教育的重要性以及最佳方式,最后一段总结归纳指出“Help your children appreciate the world around them...”可知,本文的写作对象最有可能是家长。




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