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威廉希尔app 为大家提供“高一英语练习:2014高一英语试题听力材料一”一文,供大家参考使用:


Text 1

M Are you coming to watch the tennis match this afternoon?

W Sorry, I can’t. I have a student government meeting.

M Student government? I thought you were joining the chess club this term.

W I do that, too.

Text 2

M The fishing place is an hour’s bus ride away. Want to go by bus?

W Are there any other choices?

M We can go by taxi, but I think it’s unnecessary and expensive. Is the subway going in that direction?

W Oh, yes. That may be a good choice.

Text 3

M It can do 24 pages a minute, so it’s really fast.

W Great. But I don’t know how to operate it.

M Just lift this and put what you want to copy in here. Make these choices. Then press the Start button.

Text 4

M What is your greatest hope?

W Er…to have as much money as possible. Money isn’t everything, but if you have enough money you can do a lot of things.

M Yes. But we can’t only talk about money and refuse to work hard.

W Right. The only way we make money is through hard work.

Text 5

M Well, Mrs Brown, what seems to be the problem with little David?

W He went to the park after school yesterday and then started to cough.

M Let me have a check. Unbutton his clothes, please.

Text 6

M Did you see the English-Italy football match yesterday? It was great. Much better than the swimming last weekend.

W I missed the swimming anyway. I wanted to watch the football after the tennis finished but my parents had visitors so I had to turn it off.

M Bad luck.

W Yeah, and the tennis wasn’t very good either. I didn’t enjoy it.

Text 7

W Did you see our job ad over the Internet or in a newspaper?

M Over the Internet. There are a lot of things out there.

W Why would you like to work for a company like ours?

M Well, from what I have researched I think working with your company would be very challenging and would also give me the opportunity to learn with experts in my field.

W What other qualities do you have?

M Well, apart from the experience that I have, I also feel that I’m a quick learner who can work in a team or alone.

W Do you know anyone who works in the company at the moment?

M Yes, I have several friends who are working here.






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