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1. The support of the students ______ the losing team and they played harder, so in the end they won the game.

A. brought up B. cheered up C. grew up D. turned up

2.Gorge managed to ___________ several customers of the advantages of his product.

A. remind B. accuse C. inform D. convince

3. Once it is formed,a bad habit is not easy to _____ 。

A.get rid of B.pick out C.cut off D.care for

4. _____ go straight on to university, why not get some work experience first?

A.Rather than B.More than C.As well as D.Along with

5._______ you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Unless; will you B. Unless; you will

C. Only if; you will D. Only if; will you

6. It is wrong for us to ___ others however poor they are.

A. look down upon B. look up to C. look after D. look through

7. This picture was taken a long time ago.I wonder if you can _____ my father.

A.find out B.pick out C.look out D.speak out

8. I would appreciate_______ back this afternoon.

A. you to call B. you're calling C. your calling D. you call

9. Like so many others, the little tramp has rushed there ___________ gold , but without success.

A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of

10.The unemployment __________ in this city has fallen from 16% to 8% in the past two years.






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