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为了保证孩子们过一个快乐的暑假充实的暑假,家长朋友们一定要监督孩子们的学习。威廉希尔app 高中频道为大家提供了高一英语暑假作业练习题,希望大家认真阅读。

A visit to a zoo can be an amazing experience for people of all ages. If you want to get close to wildlife, why not visit one of the following zoos in  the UK?

Longleat Safari (游猎)& Adventure Park

Wiltshire’s Longleat Safari & Adventure Park is the UK’s oldest safari park. Opened in 1966, it was the first safari park opened outside Africa. It was just a 100-acre lion reserve (保护区)in the beginning, but it has grown fast over the years. Now you can see parrots and other creatures here, although lions are still popular with many people.

Open from mid-February to early November,a day ticket costs £26 for adults. Adm ission for 3 to 14-year-olds is £18.50 and £21 for the over-60s.

Located just off the A36 between Bath and Salisbury, it can be reached by taking the A362.

Bristol Zoo

Bristol Zoo is one of the UK’s oldest zoos. It will celebrate its 180th anniversary in 2016. Here, you will find over 400 different species of creatures. It also has nine animal houses, so even if the weather isn’t at its best, there are still lots of amazing creatures to look at, including the endangered red panda. Perhaps one of the most popular places is Bug World, where you can see all kinds of scary insects.

Admission for adults is £14 and £8.50 for 3 to 14-year-olds and £11 for the over-60s.

Located in the Clifton region of Bristol, you can reach the zoo by taking either the No. 8 or 9 bus. Clifton Down train station is also close by, and if you are taking public transport, you can buy a discounted entry ticket to the zoo.

1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Wiltshire’s Longleat Safari & Adventure Park is the first safari park in the world.

B. Wiltshire’s Longleat Safari & Adventure Park has a longer history than Bristol Zoo.

C. Bristol Zoo is the oldest zoos in the UK.

D. Visitors can see all kinds of scary insects in Bug World.

2. How much should a 61-year-old couple with their 4-year-old grandson pay to visit Bristol Zoo?

A. £52.      B. 30.5.     C. £60.5.     D. £42.

3. Bristol Zoo was opened probably in______.

A. 1836      B. 1636      C. 1936      D. 1736

4. We can get to Bristol Zoo by taking______.

A. No. 89 bus   B. No. 9 subway line  C. a train    D. the A362






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